☆An Offering...☆

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4 months later, Gerard's POV

It's hard to believe that the Rosemere Mental Institution has been shut down, I mean, I'd always thought that Jacquie would get away with what she was poisoning us with, but it turns out, she didn't. She was sentenced to life in prison because of when she (well, Mikey) killed Lindsey and the countless times of prescribing people drugs that they didn't need which in turn, lead to them getting addicted which kind of classified Jacquie as a drug dealer, which is something I would see myself as becoming, not a trained psychiatrist.

Mikey has completely changed, and has started to remember stuff from before he was a killer, it's pretty cool to see how he's changing and living his best life here, I'm so proud of my brother.

Frank and I have been together for almost a year now, and it's so weird to think about that honestly. Like, this is cheesy but, I feel like I've known him for ages, I know basically everything about him (creepy much) and everything is just so perfect right now.

I don't think anything will ever change that.


We're all gathered around the same table as we were when Amelia found out about her powers, talking and laughing for God knows what reason. Then suddenly, Amelia, Mikey and Frank's voices quiet down before they fall silent, a look of worry on each of their faces, which spreads onto the rest of our faces. I can just about taste the fear in the air. Grace talks to Mikey, Loki talks to Amelia and I talk to Frank.

"You've gone all pale, you okay Frankie?"

"I don't think I a-am Gerard."

I feel my stomach churn and my face grow hot with worry. My knees feel weak despite the fact I'm sitting down. Normally he'd call me 'Gerry' or 'Gee', but not this time. Mikey then turns to me, clearly worried as I look over to where Amelia was just sitting.

Nothing but a bunch of floating dust.

My heart starts pounding away in my chest, the only sound I can hear is the blood pumping through my heart. I feel like I'm going to faint. Mikey looks at me, teary eyed and shakily grabs my shoulder from behind me, I spin around to face him. "I think... I think is goodbye Gerard." I pull him in for a hug, trying not to cry as I feel him fade away between my arms. Why is this happening? I was just starting to feel happy, and safe.


I feel tears sting my eyes, some escape and roll down the sides of my face.

I'm basically a blubbering mess by now.

"Y-yeah Frankie?"


He opens his arms and holds me, stroking the back of my head with his hand, playing with my hair.

"I love you, forever and always okay?"

I nod, crying into his chest. I really can't help it.

"I love you too."

I lean back, breaking the hug so I can look into his eyes one last time. His tattooed hand cups my face, and I lean onto it as he wipes a tear off of my cheek before turning to dust.

I sit there, leaning forward with my head in my hands, hunched over and just sobbing. I feel Grace's arm wrap around my shoulders in some form of hug. Loki hugs Grace who is crying as well, but not as hard as I am.

I've just lost my brother, my boyfriend and my best friend.

"I'm going back to Jersey." I announce after I've finished crying. My heart feels like it's been ripped out. "Who're you gonna stay with?" Grace asks. "Rosemere gave us a house didn't they?" I say and Grace nods as I walk off to my room to pack my things. "Wait!" She says. "Stay with Loki and I-"

"I'm not staying here with all of these fucking memories of people that are... gone, okay!"

She opens her mouth and closes it again, like some sort of fish. After everything is packed (including the newly departed Frank's things), she lets me walk past her and towards the bridge. Loki makes no attempt to stop me, letting me make my own decision.

I leave Asgard, without a second thought.

My only thoughts right now are of sadness, and getting the hell out of this place.

I'm not spending another minute here.

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