☆Rank Cheese.☆

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For you @YouGotLokid

Gerard's POV

I'm still sitting on the floor after Grace has explained everything. Was that in English? Was that in any understandable language? "You good?" She asks as I'm probably still blankly staring in her general direction. "Yep, just ...assessing what you said." Grace grins, sighing slightly. "Do I need to simplify it?"

"Just slightly."

"Okay then. So we're assorting teams to go back into different timelines to get Infinity Stones using a time machine that Tony made."

"M'kay, when do we have to leave?."

"In a few days, I came here early for the sole purpose of making sure you're alive."

Wow, she obviosuly must care about me then. Maybe she was just really fucking busy over these past three years.

Without warning, Jamia comes back through the door and instantly looks embarrassed. "Am I interrupting or..?" She asks and Grace shakes her head. "Not really." Jamia then walks in, closes the door and sits back on the couch. I continue playing the album to just kind of stop the awkwardness in the air around us. Jamia and Grace are kind of quietly talking to one another, like it's some weird secret between them or whatever. I lean back, laying on the floor with my head basically leaning on the shelf that's holding the record player. I'm literally just laying here looking at a shelf.

How fun.

"Fuck." Jamia says from the couch as she gets up, putting her phone back in her pocket. "Gerry, I gotta leave," I stand up and give Jamia a quick hug before she waves to Grace and I. "Bye."

And with that, it's just Grace and I left here in this pretty big, four bedroom house.

"Wanna watch a movie or something?" She asks and I nod. This'll be like a sleepover of some description, like those ones where you stay up for like ages and you're bringing up random ideas for books or whatever, ones where someone sells their soul to a magic woman because they can't afford a guitar or something like that.

Why are we like this?

Three movies and a couple hours later, we are still in hysterics because now we're watching random ass memes about a man falling into the river in Lego City. Dear God, what's next?

Neither of us are tired and we have no clue what time it is. It honestly feels like somebody's mum is going to burst through the door and catch us awake. This now counts as the highest form of self care honestly and this is what I need after dealing with Bert, just a time where nothing matters other than how deepfried or atrocious the memes are.


Grace has since fallen asleep on the couch, she must've just drifted off while I was thinking to myself. I get a blanket from the cupboard by the base of the stairs and place it over her sleeping figure before climbing the stairs up to my room. I check the time, its 2 in the morning. I move all of Bert's clothes off the bed and floor into a pile in the corner on the room, seriously contemplating burning them right then and there, but deciding it was best to do that outside.

If only Amelia was here, she could set it on fire without any consequences, hell, she could set the sleazy guy himself on fire for all I care.

I get into bed, rolling onto the right side, hugging a mildly deflated pillow with my head resting on slightly on it. Fuck I'm lonely. If only this small pillow was Frank, just to feel another heartbeat beside me, just to know that this was someone I wanted to wake up beside each and every morning. Someone to hold and just be with. I sigh once more before falling fast asleep, still holding the pillow to my chest.


I get up to hear rustling in the kitchen and a CD playing from downstairs. I can tell that it's Stomachaches because of the sound of Frank's voice, and the fact that Shes The Prettiest Girl At The Party just played. She could've picked Bullets or Danger Days but she chooses this album?


As I start to plod down the stairs, I hear a bass drum kick in before Frank starts singing again. '...I want what I want, I need what I need...' I immediately go to change the song, but Grace realizes that I'm now awake. "Hey Gerard." She says with a grin as I smile back and go to hit skip on the track. Grace stops me. "It sounds like a good song." She says and I nod. "Okay, if you say so." I respond, she looks at me slightly confused. I guess I'll let her figure out why I was desperately trying to skip it later.

I make a coffee and take my mood stabilizers for the first time in ages, sitting on the couch and basically curling up, leaning against the armrest with the warm cup in my hands. Grace looks actually kind of horrified when the certain bit of Stitches comes on. She just kind of looks over at me and I just shrug. "Frank does what he wants, don't blame me." I almost feel like correcting myself into saying 'did' but then I remembered, vaguely, that there is a chance to get them back.

Well, Hopper did say that mornings are for coffee and contemplation so here we are.

"All I'm thinking about right now is 'A MAN HAS FALLEN INTO THE RIVER IN LEGO CITY' and it's just repeating." Grace says, making me just about choke on the coffee I'm drinking, making her laugh slightly. "That just about came out my fucking nose." I admit, making her laugh.

This is chaotic and the day has hardly started.


After a small shopping trip and lunch, I eventually end up packing my bags and going with Grace to New York via private jet, which obviously makes me feel important because, hello, it's a private jet.

The Avengers complex is pretty big, well, bigger than I thought, at least we've arrived with a day to spare. Guess it's lucky that I'm here at all though.

The Avengers are all sitting in the common room, and they look deep in thought as they talk to one another, all seated and discussing plans. Loki looks up and grins as he sees Grace and I walk through the doorframe. The rest of the group look up, slightly relieved to see Grace and look at me with a look of uncertainty. "This is Gerard?" Tony almost groans, sounding unimpressed. He was probably someone who looked a little rougher and doesn't look like a twink.

"Expecting someone else I take it?" I retort and Scott makes an 'oop' face in the corner and Tony looks over at Scott, who pretends to be straight-faced. Tony then looks back at me, with a look that just says 'obviously' as the group continues what they were saying, Grace and I take a seat with the rest of the group, but this whole time, I've had a sneaky little feeling of doubt that's shadowing over everything. These elaborate plans sure seem fool-proof, but what if something goes wrong? What if someone get trapped or...?

I feel a nudge in my side, it's Grace. "Are you paying attention?" She whispers and I nod before responding. "Just thinking."

"Well pay attention anyways."

And with that, the conversation is over and the group at the front are still rambling on with their 'rescue misson'.

A/N sorry for the kind of bad quality chapter, we will get into more interesting stuff soon.

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