☆You Have The Big Gay☆

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Okay, so I haven't left my room yet, it's been a day since I met Frank and sadly, Lindsey was back to awaken me.

I'm still in my room because I'm not gonna follow some cute new guy (thats probably straight) around constantly.

Not that I have a problem with straight people or anything.

I mean, of course I wonder who else is out there in this mentally enraging space, but I seriously don't see a purpose in trying to socialise with people that are half-wits.

God I sound like such a cock right now.

Fuck, why can't I just be normal and talk like every other person here? Like honestly, this place is basically a prison, minus all the unsanitary tattoos, murderous cellmates (who make you do pushups in drag) and shower fucking.

People probably have hooked up in the showers here.

Gerard! Get your mind out of the gutter! I scold myself and sigh.

I want to see Frank.

But I don't.

But I do.

Fuck my life why am I so indecisive?!

Life is way to hard honestly.


After pacing around my room for the 1000th time, I fall backwards onto my bed and curl up into a ball, resting my head on my arm.

My skin smells of chlorine and I have no idea why.

Suddenly the door bursts open. It's one of the nurses who normally gives me injections and blood tests.

I look at her menacingly.

She shakes her head. "Nothing today Gerard, you've got a visitor though."

Who the fuck would want to see this basket case?

I sigh and walk through the open door, walking down the hall and seeing if I can catch a glimpse of the person I'd been thinking about for a majority of the morning.

I find him sitting with two girls, one blonde and one with bright red hair,  laughing and talking but I can't make out exactly what they're saying.

Hopefully this evidence goes towards him being gay, and not straight like my other preferred partners.

The visitor turned out to be my mother, who wasn't welcome to show up, but she did anyways.

She hugged and kisses me and asked if I was making friends.

Jesus christ she's embarrassing, I'm not like 5 anymore.

I end the visit after a little while because I lied and said I had to leave because I wasn't feeling well.

Mum was most disappointed that she couldn't embarrass me any more.

On my way back from the nightmarish visit, I see Frank practically sprinting towards me so I stop. The nurse walks away like she couldn't give less of a fuck because she gets paid to be here and leaves Frank and I to talk.

"H-H-Hey Gerard." He smiles at me and I can see that he isn't faking it.

"Hey Frank, what's up?"

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