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When I woke up my body was sore, everything hurt. I sat up and flashes of last night blasted through my head.

It was worse than the time I woke up with a killer hangover, this pain. I'd rather go through the hangover.

Climbing out of bed, I go to my shower and turn it on, suddenly feeling disgusting. How his hands touched me, how he forced himself on me, I shiver at the thought.

Climbing into the shower, I make sure to scrub my entire body, of his touch. Sitting on the shower floor letting the water hit my sore body, I am racked in tears.

I fear tonight or every night now, not even my room is safe anymore. My bedroom is suppose to be my safe place. No place here is safe, not if he ment what he said.

"Run," April says, "become rogue." Growing up, being a rogue is suppose to be the worst thing there is. Rogue's are mean, they eat little kids, they kill families, they are poison.

But anything is better than this, than being forcefully claimed and mated. I stand up and exit the shower, leaving it on, I didn't care.

Grabbing a towel, I dry myself off. I grab clothes and get dressed. I then clear my dresser of all my clothes and belongings. Grabbing one last thing, a picture of my parents and I.

I open my bedroom window, not wanting to be seen. I toss my bag out, after I check to see it's clear, to do so. I sit on my window sill, before I jump.

When I do, I land quietly. Grabbing my bag, I sling it over my shoulder, and begin to run. Only stopping as patrol walks by, I wait for them to be gone. I have only three minutes before next patrol comes through.

I have left the territory before, for parties the pack kids threw, I mean what's fun in being in the pack all the time, when disobeying is always so much fun.

I dash across the border, as I do, I break all ties to the pack. I keep running. I run till it's dark and stop to breathe clearly.

I know I can't stay long because the Alpha will surely send out warriors to find me. I quickly undress, stuffing my clothes I to my bag and shift into my dark smokey grey wolf, (above).

I take my bag in my mouth and begin to run. Running is my favorite thing to do as a wolf, so this is pure Bliss, even though I am running from someone.

I come across a human city, I hide behind a tree, just inside the city and shifting, I dress quickly. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I hold my head up, and walk to the nearest bus station.

The human city stinks like bad eggs and motor oil, but I ignore it to the best of my abilities.

Getting to the ticket counter, I dig through my bag finding my cash, I give the lady the money needed to get as far from here as possible. Giving me back my change, and ticket.

I go to the bus. Climbing on board, I sit at the farthest seat as possible from the door. I see a lady sitting in front of me, she pulls out a bottle of purefrume, she sprays on herself.

I am to myself, because that human helped mask my scent, from the warriors and trackers.

I sit back and relax, soon my eyes become heavy, I lay across the seat, using my bag as a pillow, and fall asleep.


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