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Waking up, I was securely nestled in Arden's arms. I look up at him and he is staring at me.

"You really are beautiful, baby," he says, pushing my hair out of my face. I sit up and I kiss Arden.

A knock is heard, bringing us out of our kiss. His mother opens the door. "Arden, twenty minutes out," she says, smiling at us, "You two look so adorable together."

I return her smile. "Come it's time to get ready," Arden says. I nod my head, "ok."

"Remember the plan," he asks. "Yes, your Dad is going to take me through the secrete passage to the dungeons and out the front, and you'll be there when we come out," I say.

"Correct, except, I also added Bryson to go with you as well, fight a little bit, but if you manage to get away, please don't run," he begs. I place my hand on his cheek, "I promise I won't."

We kiss one last time, and I am directed to Arden's office. When I walk in, I see his Dad and Bryson.

"Ready," Dad asks. I nod, as fear starts to take over. He takes my hand, "everything will be ok," he says. "Bryson and I are here to keep you safe, he will not touch you," Dad says.

He hits a small panel with his hand and a door opens. "Let's go, Bryson you infront, I'll follow right behind you, sweetie," Dad says.

Bryson walks through, as lights flicker on. I follow and as promised, Dad right behind, as the door shuts behind us.

As we near closer to the exit of the dungeon, the more I shake in fear. As wolf whistles are heard from the cells.

I fall to the ground as my shaky legs give out. Bryson's Dad picks me up,and carries me to the exit. Stopping at the door, he sits me down.

"Bryson take her arm," he says, grabbing my other arm at the same time. "It's only to help you, plus it's a good show," he says.

The door opens and Arden stands there. "Everything ok," he asks. "No she's terrified," Dad says, "let's get this over with, everything set." Arden nods, stepping out of the way.

Stepping out of the dungeons, I am instantly blinded by the bright sun, looking down, I count my steps, trying to calm my erratic heart.

Then I hear him, "Summer sweetheart, I am so glad your ok," Alpha Grey says. "That's my babygirl," my Dad yells.

Bryson and Arden's Dad set me down on the ground. Arden stands in front of me. "Alpha Grey, you said there was a reward for her safe return," Arden says.

I start backing away on my hands and knees. Wanting to put as much distance from Alpha Grey as possible, tears running down my face.

"I did, but I want my mate in my arms first," he says. I look up and my Dad is looking at Alpha Grey, in shock. "My daughter is your mate, Alpha," my dad asks.

Arden stiffens. I watch as Arden's warriors appear and circle around us. "Yes Kyle your gorgeous daughter is my mate," Alpha Grey says, smiling.

"Wrong Beta Kyle," Arden growls, not able to keep up the facade any longer. "Dad, take Summer and go, please," Arden says, his body shaking.

"It's going to be ok baby, go with dad," Arden says looking at me. I nod, as Dad picks me up, bridal style. "Keep her safe Dad," Arden says. "Of course with my life son, she is my future daughter and Luna," Dad says.

I hide my face into his shirted chest. April purring at our mate's protectiveness.

Last thing I heard before I was inside the house was, "how can she be your mate if she is my Alpha's mate," my Dad says.

Arden's Dad sits me down in Arden's office and he then closes the door as Arden's mom comes in. He pushes a button and metal walls come down, blocking all entrances but the hidden one.

"Don't touch the walls, they are made of silver," Dad says. I remain shaking on the office couch, in mom's arms, as she tries to calm me.

"He's ok, the Alpha was taken down by the pack and is now in the dungeons," Arden's Dad says. Then walks to the button on the wall and presses it.

As the walls go up, Arden rushes I to the room and envelopes me in his arms. "Are you ok baby," he asks. I begin crying in his arms. "She's been a shaking mess, she's terrified," Arden's mom says.


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