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My tears fall onto Arden's chest, "are.....are you going to reject me," I cry. "No baby, no, I wouldn't dare, you are meant for me and you will be mine," Arden says, rubbing my back, as I cry.

"But Alpha Grey, will pay for hurting what's mine," Arden growls. The pack growls in agreement, as they can hear everything that is said.

"What are we going to do son," his Dad asks. "I don't know yet, but I want  her to be safe," Arden says looking at me.

"Understandable son," he says. Arden goes to get up as I still cling to him. "You can't stay here,baby, it's not safe," Arden whispers in my ear.

"What about George," I ask. "He's an alligator, he'll be fine here where he belongs," Arden says. I wimper, but nod, "I want to say goodbye to him, he's been a good friend," I whisper.

"Ok," Arden says, settling back down on the floor. "I'll stay, with you," he says. I nod, and cuddle into him, enjoying the sparks.

"Dad, take the pack and go, Summer is already scared enough, besides George won't come back with them here," Arden says.

Soon I hear them all leave, leaving me and Arden alone. Feeling aafe again, I pull away from Arden.

"I....I don't have much," I say going to the fridge and opening it. Pulling things out, I start to cook, shakily.

Soon, I hear hissing and I run to the door, opening it. There lays George. I wrap my arms around him, and hug him, as I kneel down.

Arden laughs,"the alligator who befriended a werewolf, that's funny," he says. George hisses at Arden. "He behave," I tell him, though I doubt he understands.

"George, I gotta go, but I'll give you the rest of your chicken before I go," I tell him. Standing up, I go to the fridge and take out five whole chickens.

"Come on George,"I say going outside. I toss the chickens to him on at a time as he gobbles them up. "I won't be here anymore George, you need to be wild again," I tell him.

Arden comes up behind me. "Summer I have an idea, but I want to talk to you about it," he says. I look at him.

"There's two ways this can happen. I can call and tell them that I found you, and they come here, or I call and I take you back, but not really, either way there will be a war, but the easiest way I can think of is taking you back."

"I can't go back, I can't, he'll he'll hurt me again," I say looking at the ground.  "Arden, he said that he wanted me to be his Luna, I don't want to be," I say as tears run down my face.

He turns me around and lifts my chin, "Summer he is not going to hurt you again. Besides you are going to be my mate and the packs Luna," Arden says.

"Arden, I'm not strong, I won't make a good Luna." "Baby, you are strong, may not be against an Alpha, but no one is expecting you to be, you have your own strength, and you will make a perfect Luna and mate," Arden says.

"I'm not going back there," I state matter of factly. "Then I will call and have them come get you, but you might have to stay in the dungeons, as a ploy, when they arrive. Making it look as if we had to, due to you trying to run or do harm," he says.

I start laughing, "I may do all that any ways, I don't want him touching me," I say. Arden laughs, I don't want him touching you either," he then hooks his hands around me and pulls me close.

"You are mine, Summer and no one will touch you in that way again but me," Arden says. My heart starts pounding in my chest, in happiness, and joy.

Smiling I look up at Arden, as he does the same looking down at me. "I love you already Summer Valentine, my fiesty little she-wolf," Arden says.

I look down as a couple stray tears threaten to leave my eyes. Everything in me wants to kiss my sexy Alpha mate.

I look up at him again, and the tears escape my eyes, I reach up and pull his face to mine, kissing him for the first time.


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