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Three months later:

"Push baby, you got this," Arden says. I push with everything I have, and soon the hospital wing is filled with cries, of our newborn pup.

I lay on the bed panting, as the doctor, lays our beautiful baby boy on my chest. He snuggles into me, scenting me, as he searches for his food.

Pain shoots through my abdomen, as another contraction hits. As another baby is wanting it's freedom. My body stiffens, and the doctor takes our baby boy handing him to Arden.

"Doc, what's going on," Arden asks handing out boy to his mom, panicked. "The doctor looks at me smiling. "Your other pup is coming," he says.

Arden's face was something else, I would have laughed if it wasn't for the strong contraction, hitting me at the time.

I scream, as the contraction hurts. My stomach tightening, I push again. As Arden grabs my hand. "Baby, why didn't you tell me," he says, as I squeeze his hand.

I push hard, and soon our other pups cries can be heard, throughout the hospital wing. "Alpha, say hello to your daughter," the doctor says.

He then lays her on my chest, where her brother soon joins her. As they both begin to scent me and search for their first meal.

I look up at Arden and smile. "Any more surprises," he asks, smiling at me lovingly.

I smile, "just one," I say. "He looks at me, "another pup," he asks. I shake my head, "nope." "The what," he smiles.

"I can't tell you, unless you come closer," I tell him. He leans in towards me. "I love you," I say and kiss him, claiming his lips with mine. I feel him chuckle, into my lips.

Pulling away, he looks at me, "I love you so much," he says. "I love you my sun," I smile. "I love you, my moon," he smiles.

We named the babies, Mason and Madison Skye.


* I hope you enjoyed the book.

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*I'm not sure if I will do a sequel,yet or not. But if I do, I'll add a teaser chapter for it later, with this book.

SummerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora