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After our talk, we both got up, and Arden, started packing my things that'd I need, on the island.

"Arden, how long will I be gone," I ask, watching him pack my clothes, as I am packing up other things I'll need. "As long as it takes," he replies.

I grab a couple of his shirts, and throw them in my bag. He looks at me. "They smell the most like you," I say, causing him to chuckle.

"There's a pack that is close friends to my parents, if you need anything, my parents will contact them, the island, is actually their pack territory, but my parents bought it off them, so they had a safe place to vacation at. They have many pack doctors, but please stay on the island," Arden says.

"I will, I promise," I reply. "Bryson has been ordered to stay at your side on the island, minus your bedroom of course," he smiles, "we'll talk everyday, when I can, I promise."

I nod my head, as tears well in my eyes. "You must go the car is waiting, to take you guys to the airport," Arden says, zipping my bags.

He pulls out a spray bottle, "use this till you get to the island, it'll cover your scent, incase," Arden says, "my parents and Bryson have their own scent cover ups, you'll smell human to every wolf out there."

I nod my head. He stands up and sprays me with it and my bags. Then puts it in my pocket. He smells the air, "it's working," he smiles.

He places his forehead to mine, pulling me close, "I love you,Summer," he says and kisses me, "I'll rest and fight easily, knowing you are safe."

Just then a knock on the door, I look at the door. "Come in Bryson," Arden says. Bryson walks in, and grabs my bags. "Keep her safe, Bryson," Arden says, his forehead is still on mine.

"With my life, Alpha," Bryson says and walks out. "I can't walk you out, my mom will be here in a couple minutes to take you to the car," Arden says.

"Why," I ask. "If I do, I don't think I could let you go," Arden says looking up at me, he has tears running down his face. "I love you, my everything," he says. "I love you too," I tell him, and wrap my arms around him.

Moments later, his mom walks in, taking my hand, she leads me out of the room, I kept looking back till I couldn't see Arden anymore.

She led me to a blue SUV, Bryson opens the door to the back seat, I look back one last time, taking in my home and hopefully to see Arden, but he's no where to be seen.

I climb in and Bryson closes the door. Mom climbs in the seat next to me, as Bryson gets in the front passenger seat and Arden's Dad in the driver's seat.

"Goodbye my love, I will see you soon," Arden says through mindlink. Dad, starts the car and we pull away. I turn around in my seat, hoping to see Arden, but he's still not seen.

After we leave the territory, I turn back around and remain seated. Looking at my lap, I feel tears silently leaving my eyes, and falling into my lap.

I feel as though I have left something behind and I did, my heart, the other part of my soul. My heart feels heavy, at the loss.

Bryson tries to strick up a conversation with me, but I don't pay attention or him clearly enough to reply. I remain looking at my lap, feeling broken and lost.


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