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I follow George to the door, and freeze. As I see three wolves standing in my yard.

George keeps himself between me and the wolves, and I can hear him growling and hissing at them.

One wolf, a big black one, leaves behind a tree. Moments later coming out in only shorts.

I recognize him from the bar, the male who stared at me oddly. He walks forward and George hissing gets louder along with his gurgly growls.

"I'll stay here," the male says. As he backs away a little. George settles down a little. I bend down and start stroking his leathery skin. "Thank you friend," I tell him.

I look to the male standing in my yard. "Why are you here," he asks, non aggressively. "I ran away from my pack, became rogue," I tell him nonchantly, and as little emotion as possible.

"But why," he asks. "That's privalged information," I reply, as my heart speeds up at the memories. "May I ask what pack," he asks. "That's also privalged as I don't want them to find me," I say. Starting to panic again.

Thankful that George is here, as I support myself on him. "How about your last name," he asks. I shake my head, unable to talk, as my throat closes, because of my panic attack.

"Do you mean harm to my pack," he asks. I look at him in horror, "no never," I reply.  Everything starts to spin.

I grip onto George as not to fall over. He steps forward, as if to help me, but George hisses.

He gives me a look of concern. As I am now sitting on the deck clinging to George for support.

"Breathe Summer, breathe, count with me, baby, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10......" April says. I do as she says, and it seems to help as my throat loosens and I can breathe properly.

"Thank you April," I tell her. Feeling releived for having such a great wolf. I push myself up so I am no longer laying across George.

The male in my yard still looks highly concerned for me. I give him a look of confusion and nothing more.

He looks to his comrade's, "go, I'll be ok," he says. They look at him and nod, then turn and run off.

He then sits in the grass in my yard. "How long have you been here," he asks. Sitting down on the deck, next to George, I look at him.

"3 weeks today," I reply. "I'm Arden," he says. I ponder for a moment before answering, "Summer."

"Summer, that's a beautiful name," he says. "Can I come up and sit with you or is your friend going to eat me," Arden asks.

I laugh, "he'll eat you." And entirely honest, I didn't want him any closer, males still scare me since Alpha did what he did. That night I learned that I was unable to fight them off or protect myself.

"I won't hurt you, I couldn't, even if I wanted to," Arden says. I look at him, shirtless, muscles bulging in every surface of his chest and stomach, not to mention the arms that look like they could break a tree in half.

But his eyes, his eyes tell me a different story. His eyes portraying that he ment every word, as his eyes plead with me to agree, and let him near.

I see him scooch closer, but the second I get nervous he stops. "You know, you are the most skiddeish she Wolf,I have ever met. Something bad must of happened to you," Arden says.

George gets up and goes down the stair and into the woods, towards the swamps. I watch him go.


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