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I woke up to hissing and growls. I go to my door and look out. Seeing it's only George, I open the door, and he just ambles in.

I go to my fridge and get his chicken out, tossing to him, he eats it and I go back to my spot on the floor. Leaving the door open for him to get out.

Laying down, on the cool floor, I stare at the ceiling, contemplating, what I should do. George comes over and lays next to me curling his tail around me.

I laugh, "I should buy you a harness and leash," I tell George. He does a gurgling sound. "The she wolf that's turned rogue and the alligator," I laugh.

I lay my head on George and just think of what to do. I decide, that I am not leaving George, and I'm not on pack lands, so I am not going to let them chase me off, even my work isn't part of pack lands.

I am however, going to take a few days off, from work. I have enough money from tips do that at least. Getting up, I go to the phone, George remained laying on the floor.

Picking up the phone, I call Sarah at the bar, three rings and she answers, "Scooter's bar, how can I help you." "Hey Sarah it's Summer." "How you feeling honey," Sarah asks. "Still under the weather, I'm going to take the next couple days off, if that's ok," I ask. "As long as you get better, that's fine," She says. "Thank you, I'll see you when I get back," I reply and hang up.

"Now George what are we going to do," I say looking George. He gurgles at me. I laugh, as he remains on the floor laying. "TV, it is," I tell him, sitting on the floor with him, I switch on the TV.

I am soon watching Duke's of Hazzard, as I lean in George. Occasionally petting him across his coarse leathery skin.

I don't remember falling asleep, but at some point I did. When I woke up, George was beginning to move around. Sitting up, he gets up on his tiny legs. He goes outside, and stops in the doorway.

I follow him to the door, and freeze. As I see three wolves standing in my yard.


*Dun dun dun.... what's going to happen.....who do, well kinda. Lol.

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