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I wake up and try again to Skype Arden and still no answer. At this point I am starting to worry.

I rush out of the room. I run right into a wall, almost falling but hands catch me. I look up and see it's Bryson.

"Bryson, Arden won't answer, I tried last night a couple times and just now, he won't answer," I cry.

He hugs me, "maybe they were attacked and he can't right now," he tells me. "But we're suppose to go home tomorrow," I look at him pleading with him, still crying.

"I'll try his cell, Luna," Bryson says. I nod and he walks away. Taking his phone out of his pocket.

Arden's mom and Dad come out of their room and see me standing in the hall, crying. "Sweetie why are you crying," they ask.

I tell them everything. His mom looks horror struck, but his Dad doesn't. "Honey, he could be busy, or the war has begun," his Dad says.

"If we don't get a hold of him, we will remain here till we do," his Dad says. I nod my head, not happy with the news, and it saddens me.


A week later:

I can't sleep, I can't eat. I have tried everyday to call Arden, both on Skype and cell phone and no answer.

I wake up and first thing I do is try calling Arden on his cell phone. It goes straight to voicemail,like all the other times. "Arden, please call me, I love you," then I hang up.

Leaving my room, I walk straight to the door. Opening it, I go outside, Bryson hot on my heels.

I walk to the edge of the island, near the boat and look off into the distance,towards shore. Tears running down my face.

I keep watching everything in the distance, hoping and praying for anything, a boat mainly, but nothing.

I just stand there, at the dock, all day long, shifting my feet as needed to ease any discomfort.

As dark comes I remain in the same spot. Waiting hoping for any sign of him. I stood here all night, when morning came, I could barely stand. I could sense Bryson standing behind me.

I could feel myself start to sway, from exhaustion and lack of food. I go to adjust myself and Bryson catches me in his arms as I fell and everything went black.


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