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The following morning, I wake up and Arden is gone. The bed next to me cold, to the touch.

I get up and take a shower, in our bathroom. Then deciding on, a long tank top and and jeans, I let the bedroom.

Going to the kitchen, I snag a couple prices of bacon the cook was cooking. "Morning Luna," she says. "Morning," I smile, snagging another peice of bacon.

I go to the fridge and grab a raspberry tea, and leave. "Great bacon," I tell the cook, smiling.

I step outside and look around. The pack is busy, setting up for the celebration. The thought of it, sends butterflies free to roam in my stomach, in excitement.

I sit on the steps and open my tea, taking a drink, I watch them work. Knowing I am ready for this, I want Arden to be mine, and I want to be his. The only thing I am nervous about is the big tent and what will happen inside, but even that excites me in a way.

Someone sits next to me, bumping my arm. I look and see my Dad. "Are you sure your ready for this," my Dad asks. "As ready as I'll ever be," I tell him, smiling.

"You know you don't have to do this," he says. I look at him, "I know, but what if I didn't," I ask curious to his reason.

"You could always accept our Alpha, and we could remain a family," he says. I look at him appalled. "I would never, I have Arden, he is mine, I wouldn't and never would accept Alpha Grey as a mate," I say getting upset and standing up.

Bryson walks up to me, catching me as I almost fall, tripping. "What's wrong Luna," he asks. "I....I don't want him here," I tell Bryson. "Ok,Luna, I'll take care of it," he says.

Letting me go, I walk away, as Bryson takes my Dad away. I am going to assume to join his stupid Alpha, hopefully.

I walk around the pack grounds, soon joined by Bryson. "Is everything ok, Luna," he asks. "Yea, my Dad just suggested that I willingly mate with Alpha Grey," I spit on the ground. Bryson laughs, "under different circumstances, I'd say that's not very Luna like, but I cannot," he says.

"You know, I'm proud of you Luna," Bryson says. I stop walking and look at him. "For what," I ask. "For everything, even after what's happened to you, you are strong enough to move on and be happy," he says.

I look at him a couple moments longer, "I want to be with Arden, and I can't let what he did to me affect my life, " I reply, " you all are here to help me and I you, so I'll get over it." Bryson nods his head in understanding.

We walk around in silence for a couple of hours, before the ceremony begins. Enjoying each other's company, even though I know he's only with me to keep me safe.


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