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After the movie ends, Arden sets me next to him on the couch, and gets up. "I'm going to go make that phone call, I'll be right back," he says and kisses my hair. 

"Ok but hurry, I might get cold," I laugh. Arden laughs and leaves the room, going into his office.

I listen to his conversation, as he left the door wide open, for me to do so. "Alpha Grey, this is Alpha Arden Skye, from the Skye Pack," he pauses. "I was calling to let you know that we found a pack member of yours, a girl named Summer Valentine," Arden says.

"She won't stop fighting us and I had to place her in our dungeons,......no no we can't transport, so you'll have to come get her," he says. "Ok we'll see you tomorrow then," Arden says.

I hear the phone click, and Arden growl, my heart pounds in fear, as tomorrow, he will be here, thinking he'll be getting me back.

Arden comes back and sits next to me, pulling me I to his lap as he does. "I'm not letting you go," he growls, "please don't actually run."

"As long as I see you, I won't," I tell him, placing my lips to his. He happily kisses back, his hands running up and down my leg as the cups the back of my head.

He pulls away a few minutes later, we are both panting. "I'm not putting you in a cell in the dungeons, my dad will take you there last minute through a secret passage, and then out the front door," he says, his look pained.

"Ok," I tell him, because to be honest, I was terrified of being in the dungeons. I felt caged enough, from what's happened the last few weeks.

We spent the rest of the day in each other's arms, watching Disney movies. Occasionally talking, but mostly cuddling.

When it came to going to bed, I was given the option of my own room or sleep with Arden. Naturally I slept with Arden, feeling safe in his arms.


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