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"Arden, baby," I say reaching out to him. He looks at me, but backs away. His face full of horror.

April wimpers as he leaves the room, but I start to cry, feeling rejected by Arden. "Thank you, please leave," Bryson tells the doctor.

"Luna, it'll be ok, it's the upcoming war, I'm sure of it," Bryson says rubbing my back, as I lay on the bed crying.

"Arden's mom is on her way, I have been instructed by her to stay with you," he says, still trying to comfort me.

My heart feels as though it has shattered by Arden leaving me like he did, and his face was horror struck, like he didn't want me or the pup, I was carrying. Just a few weeks ago he wanted a pup, but his face said something completely different to me.

Arden's mom comes rushing into the room, "what happened," she asks. Bryson fills her in on everything that happened.

She looks at me with happiness all over her face, till Bryson tells her how Arden reacted. Then she looks pissed. "Stay with her, if she needs anything, have the cook get it," his mom orders Bryson. She then storms out of the room.

I can hear her screaming for Arden as soon as she gets downstairs. I can also hear the many pack members scurrying to get out of her way as she's on a rampage.

"I feel bad for Arden right now, his mom might just kill him," Bryson laughs. I reach over and smack him, "ouch, Luna,that hurt," Bryson laughs.

"Don't say that, even if it feels like he rejected me, I still love him," I cry. Bryson takes me into his arms, as I continue to cry.

"It'll be ok, Luna, everything will be ok," he says.

An hour later, Bryson and I can hear yelling, "ouch mom stop it," Arden says. "You can't do that to her, she thinks your rejecting her," smack. "Mom, ok I'm sorry, it's just everything that's going on, ouch, mom let go of my ear, I'm not a pup anymore," we hear Arden saying.

Bryson and I start to laugh, at what we are hearing. "Ok maybe not kill him, but beat him," Bryson laughs.

Thump, "mom will you let go," Arden says, "that actually hurts you know, dad tell Mom to stop," I bust out laughing, as Bryson is trying not to cry in laughter.

"Son, you did it to her, so no, honey don't rip his ear off, it'd be awefully funny to see a one eared wolf running around," we hear his dad say. Bryson looses it as he is literally rolling on the floor crying in laughter.

The door opens, and Arden is drug in the room by his ear,with his mother attached. She kicks Bryson, "ouch what was that for," he asks, holding his side. "For laughing," she says.

"Now out, these two have got to talk, you make it right Arden, or I swear to the goddess herself, I will kick your butt, she is our Luna and your mate," she says pointing a well manicured finger at him, she then turns around and slams the door shut.


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