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Arden picks up my fork, and feeds me the first bite, officially telling everyone that I am his and telling me that he will provide for me.

Afterwards he sits my fork down and begins to eat, and I follow him, then the pack begins to eat as well. The conversation soon turns to the Luna celebration.

"What celebration," I ask. "It's a to celebrate having our Luna, kind of like a welcoming party, and the marking, of the Luna," a pack member says.

I look at the pack member in shock. Arden growls lightly. "You don't have to baby," Arden says. "Is it tradition," I ask. Arden nods, "it is, but...." I cut him off, "it's ok, Arden, I can do it, it's your packs tradition, and it shall remain as such," I respond.

"It entails alot more than just marking," Arden's mom says. I nod my head for her to go on. "After he marks you, you and Arden are to go to a tent and mate, officially claiming one another," she says.

I look at Arden, his eyes hold fear of my reaction. I reach over and grab his hand. "When," I ask. "Tomorrow night, traditionally," his mother replies.

Arden's fear filled eyes, become more fearful. I look to Arden's mom and then the pack, and back to Arden, looking into his eyes, "prepare for the celebration," I tell them.

A look of shock goes through Arden's eyes. "I'm not scared Arden, I want to be with you, forever, and if this is what is asked of me, I shall do it," I tell him.

His look changes from shock, to love, "you heard her, make the preparations," Arden says. The table bursts into conversation, about the celebration for tomorrow night.

After lunch, Arden takes my hand and we leave the house, and we walk, hand in hand through the pack.

Many members stop us and ask me my favorite colors, which are Blue and hot pink, other's want to know my favorite foods, and so forth.

As they'd leave, Arden and I would continue to walk. Stopping at an ice cream shop and we got ice cream, along with my insisting of getting the kids wanting ice cream some as well.

Walking away from the ice cream shop, "your going to be a great Luna, baby," Arden says, pulling me to him, he claims my lips with his for a moment before pulling away.

"Let's go home, I've shown you everything," he says, taking my hand. We head home, both smiling, and eating our ice cream.


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