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Arden growls, "who Summer," he asks. His growls shaking my little cabin to it's core. I hear howls in the distance, reacting to his earth shattering growls.

I wimper in fear, as I know they are coming here. "It's ok baby, they're not going to hurt you, they are concerned about my anger," Arden says, holding me close.

Before I know it, there are growls surrounding my cabin, and a male walks in through the open door.

I cling to Arden in fear. "Alpha, what's wrong, we felt your anger from the pack," the male says. The growls still surrounding the outside of my cabin.

"Enough, your all scaring her," Arden says, as I wimper in fear. He rubs my back, "it's not him, it's my pack, they will do anything to protect you baby," Arden says.

"Alpha," the male asks. "Yes Bryson, she is my mate," Arden says. "It's about time you found her," Bryson says, I can hear the happiness in his voice.

The growls cease completely, and I hear shifting of bones telling me that another wolf shifted.

Another male and a female walk into my cabin, suddenly making it feel very crowded.

"Did I hear right son, you found your mate," a male says. "I did dad, mom," Arden says.

I lift my head from his shoulder looking at them. Instantly I recognize the man named Bryson from the bar.

"She's beautiful Arden," the female says, happiness in her eyes. "That she is," Arden says, and I look at him. He I looking at me with love and adoration in his eyes. I snuggle back into his chest.

"Dad, how many Summer's, are in the database," Arden asks. "I don't tknow, but can't be to many why," his dad asks. "I need to know," Arden replies.

"Shouldn't be to hard since I am assuming, Summer is the name of your mate," his Dad says. I feel Arden nod his head.

"Bryson,go check for us," his dad says. I wimper into Arden's chest. "Baby, can you please make this a little easier for us," Arden asks,"maybe your last name, anything."

I whisper, "Summer Valentine," But I know he heard. I hear footsteps leave. "Wait as in Beta Valentine," I hear his dad ask. I nod my head.

"Son that's the Grey Peak pack, they reported her missing," his Dad says. I wimper in fear. "Bryson," Arden yells. "Yes, Alpha," Bryson says coming back. "Don't search her, in the database," Arden says.

"Son what's going on," his dad asks. Arden lifts his head, "think Dad who can over power a high ranked wolf, especially if her father is Beta," Arden says, growling.

"An Alpha,but....., Oh," his dad says putting two and two together. He begins to growl as well. "Did....did he," Bryson says, growling. Their growls resonate through the pack outside.

My tears fall onto Arden's chest, "are.....are you going to reject me," I cry. "No baby, no, I wouldn't dare, you are meant for me and you will be mine," Arden says, rubbing my back, as I cry.

"But Alpha Grey, will pay for hurting what's mine," Arden growls. The pack growls in agreement, as they can hear everything that is said.


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