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After we leave the territory, I turn back around and remain seated. Looking at my lap, I feel tears silently leaving my eyes, and falling into my lap.

I feel as though I have left something behind and I did, my heart, the other part of my soul. My heart feels heavy, at the loss.

Bryson tries to strick up a conversation with me, but I don't pay attention or him clearly enough to reply. I remain looking at my lap, feeling broken and lost.

Why did he think I could do this and be ok, live like nothing is wrong?


Hours later:

As we inboard the plane, someone walks up to Arden's parents. They greet each other as if they are old friends. They look at me with pity in their eyes, but don't say anything.

Bryson leads me to a car and I get in, as he puts our bags in the trunk. Bryson climbs into the seat next to. I look at him blankly, then at my lap.

Arden's parents, get in the car, and we drive off. I don't even pay attention to the three cars behind and infront of our car, that are assigned to us to protect me.

When we arrive at the pack, I am brought inside and sat at a table as food is shoved in front of me.

"Eat, Luna," I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I look up and a female is looking at me, "you need to eat Luna, if not for yourself but for your pup," she says.

I pick up my fork and begin eating a little bit of the food. Playing with the rest. The female looks at Bryson, "how long has she been like this," she asks. "Since we left the territory," i hear him reply.

"How often were her and Arden apart," she asks. "Hardly ever till recently, he's been so busy with the war preparations," Bryson says, "what's going on."

I glance up at the woman, as she is shaking her head, "you'll need a doctor with you on the island, at all times, just incase," she says. I look back down, at my lap.

"She's feeling depressed,rejected and her hormones are just making her feelings worse," a new voice says. A light flashes in my eyes, but I ignore it, I feel a poke on my arm, but also ignore it.

Shortly after that, five of us were on the boat, as I sat on the floor of the boat, by choice. The boat skipped across the water for awhile before I felt it slow down.

"Luna, we're here," I hear Bryson say. I don't bother to move. The feeling of this all being real, really sinking in.

"Bryson pick her up and hand her to me," I hear Dad say. I feel Bryson put his arms around my back and under my legs. Picking me up off tje floor of the boat.

Then someone else taking me. As they carry me somewhere. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, he's doing this to protect you and the pup," the voice says, but it's foggy.

I feel something soft underneath me as I am set down. "Maybe he packed something to help her," I hear. "Honey, I know it's hard, but you can't stay like this," I hear Mom say.

"Here try this, it might help," Dad says. I see mom take a shirt from him, I recognize it immediately, as a shirt I packed in my bags.

Mom hands it to me, and I clutch to it, inhaling Arden's scent, helping me relax, and feel more myself. I look at Mom and she smiles.

"Let's go eat," she says. I nod and willingly get up and follow her out of the room, still clutching onto Arden's shirt, like my life depended on it.

Shortly after eating dinner the phone rings. "Arden, yes we got here with no problems, yes she's safe, but she misses you terribly," I hear Dad saying over the phone. "The shirt you packed her helped, oh, she packed them," he laughs, "yes, I'll set it up and call you so she can see you, but son, she's depressed, so she might not react as normal."

He hangs up the phone, and I see him let the room. "Summer, would you come to your room please," I hear him call me a few minutes later.

I look at Bryson, and he nods his head. I get up and go to my room. I see a laptop setup, as he motions for me to sit down.

I do as he asks and sit down. "Oh my Goddess baby," Arden says. I snap my head to the screen on the computer. Seeing him live on it, I begin to cry.

"Baby, please don't cry, I miss you too," he says. "Arden, I don't know if I can do this," I cry. I hear a sniffle behind me. I turn and see his mom and dad standing there, his mom crying.

"Mom it's ok," Arden says. "No son, it's not, this is the first time since we left that she's actually really talked or responded to anyone," she says.

I look back at the screen, and see a look of shock on Arden's face. "Baby everything will be ok, I'll be there before you know it," Arden says.


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