Chapter Twenty One

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I couldn't wait any longer on the list. I went back to the hotel. Only one person I knew of at this point could give me any leads. Jeff Marshall said he didn't know any names or any useful information, but that wasn't enough. He had to know something and I'd detain him as long as necessary to learn everything.

I knew he was smart and I knew he was highly trained when it came to interview tactics. Green berets worked missions all over the world that granted them the possibility of being taken hostage. They went through rigorous training to learn hostage and negotiation tactics that could keep them alive and keep them from sharing information they didn't want to get out. I wouldn't be able to back him in a corner and intimidate him. But I needed to get the information out of him, one way or another.

I didn't have to look hard for Reggie, the security manager. He was standing behind the front desk when I walked in.

"Detective it's good to see you again. What can I do for you tonight?"

I didn't realize it was already past 11:00 PM. Forget about the glamorous books and movies about being a detective. This was not a good job at all for your home life. I just realized I hadn't text or called Susan all day. She knew I was busy and wouldn't hold it against me, but I still didn't like that I was putting myself so far out of the running for Husband of the Year.

"I was looking for Jeff. I need to speak with him again regarding some information."

"Well his shift started two hours ago, but he called in today, Detective."

"Is that normal for him?"

"No Sir, it's not. I actually don't think he's called in once in all the time he's worked here. He's been the most dependable employee I've ever had," Reggie took a pause and showed a hint of concern on his face. "But I think it's because he's scared. All this that's been going on, he knows that he worked closely with Mr. Diggs. He's probably concerned that he may some sort of a target."

Either that or he's too busy planning his next murder. I hadn't really considered Jeff to be the killer yet, but seeing as that was the first thought to pop into my mind, it seems I might be subconsciously leaning that way now.

"Thank you, Reggie. Please let me know if you hear anything else from him or anyone else who could help out the investigation."

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