Chapter Twenty Six

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I was sitting at my desk when I heard it on the local news radio station. It seems silly, as we usually heard about breaking news before it was released to news stations, but you never know. But the only thing we played on the radio in the office was different news stations. It was mostly pretty boring, but you'd get a good story every now and again. Today was no exception.

"Local radio host Sean Richards found murdered. Four millionaires in three days."

Moore barged out of his office before the second sentence was even finished.

"What the fuck did they just say!" He rarely shouted. If Sergeant Moore was screaming then you knew something went very wrong. A murder breaking on the news radio station before the detectives who should be working the crime scene even knew about it, that's about as wrong as you can get.

I already had my keys in hand and was walking towards the door.

"Seeks, I'm coming with you. Hope, grab your camera!" The three of us raced down the stairs. Elevators wouldn't be fast enough for this one.

I heard someone key-up on the radio as we were approaching the first floor.

"This is D-14. Do we have a location of that murder that's all over the news? The one that no one told detectives about?"

"10-4 D-14, McCoy St., in front of the church at San Jacinto St." it took a lot for our dispatchers to sound flustered, as they were used to dealing with stressful call loads. But everyone knew who Moore was and what his call sign was. He could give sass over the radio in a way that would make everyone listening feel like every mistake ever made was their fault.

"Oh look at that, the PD already knew about it. Thank you so much for keeping us involved."

I loved hearing his attitude when it wasn't directed towards me.

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