Chapter Thirty Three

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It didn't take long to brief Moore on everything. The pieces fell into place effortlessly once I started explaining it. He was able to put it all together before I finished my explanation.

"Get a task force from SWAT and get to his apartment now. I don't care what state he's in when you bring him in, but you bring this piece of shit in today. And before you ask, don't worry about a fucking warrant. I'll have that signed before you get to the door," Moore was standing now. I couldn't remember the last time I saw him this riled up at work.

"Seeks we have this guy on video murdering our FOURTH victim in cold blood. I've never seen better evidence in a murder investigation. Every judge in the city will be on our side and wants to put him away. The mayor included."

"I'm on it, Sergeant. But one more thing."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"You saw the video. Jeff knew we'd see it. What if he's not planning to rot away in a cell?"

"Look John. If this guy wants to shoot it out, then you just make sure we're on the winning side of that gun fight. Take the full team in with you. And don't be a hero. You're not a door kicker anymore. Let SWAT make the breach, you just follow them in and work the scene. Do you understand?"

That's the part of this job I was having a hard time dealing with. When you spent years being the one in the action, being in the fight, it was hard to give that up. I wasn't fond of letting other officers jump in harm's way for my case. "I got it Sarge, stand back and let the real police do their jobs."

"That's right, Seeks. You're a brain now and I need it stay sharp. You can't solve cases if you're dead."

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