Chapter Twenty Five

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Jeff smiled as we walked down the sidewalk. Meeting with the detective had never been part of his plan, but he was glad he thought of it. It wouldn't take a law degree to know that he was probably under some suspicion after the way he acted the first time he met with Detective Seeks.

He regretted it now, but he had been flustered at the time. It all took him by surprise, the second body being discovered so quickly and being face to face with the lead detective not hours after the killing.

He knew that with the high profiles of all the victims, the department would be throwing all of its resources at this case. A move had to be made to show that he was cooperative. Eventually they would find out about his past and really consider him as suspect, but he wanted to prevent that for as long as possible.

Giving them a partial list of names would deter them from a suspect for the present moment and they'd spend all their time researching whoever made the list. He hoped it would play out that way, anyways.

Jeff took a look around the busy street as everyone was waking up and beginning their days. People were so clueless to anything that didn't immediately affect them. He had never enjoyed being around groups or strangers, which is why he joined the military so young. He was able to blend in well though.

He relished knowing that he was able to pass freely right in front of so many people. All of them had to be following the stories of the murdered millionaires. It was the biggest story this city had seen since President Kennedy was killed just a few blocks away. And here he was, the murderer they were reading about. Passing by inches away from them and they had no idea. If powerful could be described with a feeling, this was it.

Jeff really hoped his list threw the detectives off of his scent. He was enjoying himself; it was far too soon to go on the run. After all, he was currently walking towards his next victim. 

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