At Home

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Hiccup's Point of View

North sent us all home when we told him what happened with Pitch, Merida and Punzie. Now we all felt useless. We want to help but North was like no we'll handle it by that he meant him and the other guardians which didn't include Jack either. When I got home I looked miserable and I went out into the village and it looked like people were looking for me cause they were in huddles and posters were up. I hadn't really realised I had been gone that long.

"Hiccup. your back where have you been?" It was Astrid coming up to me and she gave me a huge hug. I hugged her tightly back and didn't let go. "What's wrong?" She asked me while tugging away. "Come with me," I said it her. But instead she pulled me towards my father. "Stoick Hiccup's back!" Astrid shouted towards my dad. He ran over and gave me a massive hug. Now everyone asked me where I'd been. "I don't wanna talk about it," I said to everyone and ran straight for my house. Surprised I remember where it was.

I ran straight up to my room and cried on my bed until I fell fast asleep. I didn't want to see anyone I needed to think this out in my head. Get rid of it. But how could I she was my friend. And that night I had terrible dreams about her. The next day I stayed in my room and didn't see anyone all day and shouted at them to leave me alone if they came near my bedroom.

Merida's Point of View

I was so angry with North telling us all to go home. How dare he. Punzie is part of our team we can't just leave her with Pitch. But no he sent us home so he could deal with it. I bet she's expecting us and now were not coming how great is that. I went home angry and saw that everyone looking so worried hadn't really realised I'd been away that long. It must have been some time.

I had loads of people running up to me asking where I'd been. Then my mother came up to me and took me inside. We went up to my room so I didn't have that much stress. "Where have you been we've been so worried about you," my mother asked me. I explained everything. How I was chosen, my new friends, then Pitch, what happened to Punzie. Then I burst out crying on her shoulder I couldn't hold it in anymore. My mother let me cry on her and she stayed with me until I fell asleep.

Elsa's Point of View

Can't believe it back in my own Kingdom running things again. It feels good to be back but then again not so much. With Punzie being gone and now Anna not coming out of her room what am I gonna do. Now I know how she felt when I was in my room. It feels awful and hurtful. But why did North send us home we can handle Pitch we did it once and we can do it again.

This is so stupid we should all be going back and helping not sitting around and waiting. We're a team and Punzie is probably expecting us to go and get her. Not sit here and wait. I'm gonna go and see if Anna wants to come out she can't stay there forever.

"Anna, Anna you in there come out. I don't want you doing what I did. I had a reason but this is stupid," I called through the door. I waited a while until she replied. "Elsa this is a reason now go away and leave me alone." I felt a bit hurt but walked away just like she wanted me too.

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The Big Six - Trapped, Lost, Alone (Book 2 Sequel to The Big Six)Where stories live. Discover now