Dark Echo Underground

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Jack's Point of View

Some how I knew they were still telling lies yet they looked so convincing. I dunno what to suggest I mean it's been nearly a month now and we haven't even looked for Punzie, Maybe they were looking areas for her cause we haven't done that yet. Yeah I think I'll stick with that.

Elsa's Point of View

They might not be telling lies but Merida hasn't said anything about the dreams she has. I wonder if they have stopped or what. She seems fine in the mornings now and then but I still feel that something isn't right and when I get that feeling I'm always right.

Merida's Point of View

I was planning on seeing Punzie that night. I needed to, to find out where she is and all. Then we can go and get her. Me and Hiccup went to our secret place in the cave that night and led our heads down mine on his lap and his on the rock wall. Then we drifted off to sleep.

I looked around in my dream to try and find Punzie and I saw her lead against the wall and I seen that she was asleep. I went over and said "Punzie I'm here wake up, wake up." She wouldn't wake up so I put my hand on her shoulder and shouted "PUNZIE WAKE UP." I quickly jumped back and so did she while waking up. I just realised I touched her. I was getting stronger and the nightmare was getting weaker. Punzie had the same expression as me. "How did you just touch me?" Punzie asked me. "I'm getting stronger and the nightmare is getting weaker so I can touch you." I said to her.

"Punzie I need you to tell me where exactly are you so we can come and get you?" I asked her. She sat there thinking for a moment trying to remember everything as it happened a while back. "I remember parts okay so for one, it's dark like really dark," I sighed and said "Helpful Punzie really helpful." She gave me a look and said "Just shut up and listen will ya. Okay so its DARK and it echos down here." I stopped her "Wait did you just say down here... that means your underground." She looked at me again "Well done clever boots. I got it I'm in Pitch's lair." I thanked her and then I saw Pitch at the door of the cell and I left like that.

Punzie's Point of View

"HURRY MERIDA BEFORE HE DOES SOMETHING TERRIBLE" I shouted before she left and I said that so Pitch could hear as for he was by the door cell. He gave me a look, and I saw the anger in his eyes. I knew this meant bad news. "You had better not of told her where you are cause if so something terrible is gonna happen to you," He threatened me. "What do you expect of course I told her where I am I'm not gonna sit here and not tell her. Plus you can threaten me with Eugene and doin something terrible to me but its not gonna work." I shouted at him. He came close up to me and left without another word.

The Big Six - Trapped, Lost, Alone (Book 2 Sequel to The Big Six)Where stories live. Discover now