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Hiccup's Point of View

Merida opened her eyes so quick and I felt her shudder. She was scared I could tell as she was shaking on me. I helped her up carefully and turned her to face me., "What happened Merida?" I asked her I didn't like the look of her she was shaking like mad. She fell down on my shoulder and cried I hugged her tightly and asked again "Merida what happened?" She looked up and said "Pitch.. he's gonna.. No No No!" she wouldn't finish the sentence. I pulled her up straight and said "What Merida, what's he done?" She shook her head and said "He's gonna kill her... Not if I get to her quickly..." she grabbed her bow and arrows and headed in the opposite direction.

"Hold on what, he's gonna kill her!" I shouted at her, she stopped and turned around to look at me. She nodded. "You can't go what happened to telling the others so they can help. Plus what happened to Pitch expecting us to go as soon as possible. If you go he's gonna kill you!" I carried. "Not if I be skillful and outsmart the jerk. I'm sorry Hiccup but I have to go, I can't just sit and wait when he's gonna kill my best friend." I shook my head and sighed, "Merida please don't go, you can't go. Please we'll do this together all of us," I pleaded to her. She shook her head "Sorry Hiccup there's nothing to can do to stop me. I'm going and that's that." She said that then left. I felt useless and scared, worried. Why was I just standing here not going after her. Instead I went to the others and sat there and said not a word. Merida didn't say I could tell them so I sat there like nothing was happening.

Elsa's Point of View

We were all chatting and when I say we it was just me and Jack. Then Hiccup came in looking as if something was bothering him. "Hiccup is something bothering you?" Jack asked him. He shook his head, "Why would anything be wrong?" He said we just shook our heads in return. Then Anna came in looking a bit worried "Guys have you seen Merida anywhere, I mean I've searched the whole cave and she is nowhere to be seen?" we shook our heads and then I seen Hiccup tense where is was and he cupped himself into a ball. "Hiccup where is Merida?" I asked he would move or speak "Hiccup where is she?" I started to get worried. He was getting tenser and he looked as if he was about to burst and he did and said well shouted "MERIDA LEFT TO GO HELP PUNZIE ALL BY HERSELF CAUSE PITCH IS GONNA KILL HER IF SHE DOESN'T GO-!" then he stopped cause he realised what he just did. "What?" We all chimed together...

Merida's Point of View

So I went to Pitch's Lair all alone. Why am I doing this I kept asking myself. Maybe Hiccup was right we should of waited for the others. But there was no turning back now, not when I've got this far. I got there once again the same old dank dark place. It was horrible, how could he live here. I searched the place making sure that I wouldn't get seen. But I couldn't find Punzie anyway. No where at all.

"Punzie where are you, I'm here but I can't find you!" I shouted but of course in a whisper. Then I heard I noise behind me then a voice, "Merida I'm over here," it said. I turned around and I saw Punzie in the cell behind me. "I'm gonna get you out of here don't worry," I told her trying to find a way to open the cell. "Where are the others?" she asked. I just told her it was a long story. Then I heard another noise behind me and I turned around it was "Pitch!"

Hiccup's Point of View

I had them all screaming at me. It wasn't very nice. I wasn't listening to anything that they were saying, I was more focused on Merida. She could be dead, hurt, lost, scared. I dunno what to do., Then Anna got me back to reality. "Look I'm sorry okay we were gonna tell you when we had more info okay," I said to them. "What do you mean more info?" Anna asked. That was when I had to tell them everything. So I did and they were shocked and got up and were getting their stuff. "What are you doing?" Great we were going to Pitch's Lair to help Merida and don't worry that was not sarcasm. I went and grabbed Toothless and we set off.

The Big Six - Trapped, Lost, Alone (Book 2 Sequel to The Big Six)Where stories live. Discover now