A Plan

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Hiccup's Point of View

I woke up in the morning and saw that Merida was asleep on my lap. Then I remembered what happened in the night. With the dream Merida had and how she was calling out stuff. It was all coming back to me now. I took off my jacket and layed it underneath Merida's head and walked over to a camp fire that Anna had made as she was awake.

"Sleep well Anna," I asked her. She looked up a bit startled then answered "Yeah thanks you." I nodded she got out some food and I asked her where she got. She said she found it running round in the forest above us. "Wait did you say above us," I asked her. She nodded, I never knew she could hunt. After a while all the others started to wake up. After me it was Elsa, then Jack but Merida was still asleep.

"How long has Merida been asleep?" Elsa asked me. She was looking at Merida who was again laying on my lap. "For a while but I would expect it I mean with what happened last night she must be tired," I replied to her. She just sighed. We couldn't do much with her asleep so we waited until she wakes up.

Merida's Point of View

I woke up and seen that I was still laying on Hiccup's lap. He saw that I was awake and asked me "Sleep well." I sat up and nodded at him. He passed me a plate of food and I ate it. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked him. "For a couple of hours last night must of tired you out," he said to me. Then I remembered everything that happened in the night.

We then went to go and join the others.

Elsa's Point of View

When I left Hiccup with Merida to be alone I went and joined the others. I went and sat by Anna and across from me I saw Jack and it looked like he was staring me up. I looked away a bit embarrassed then when I looked back he was still looking me up. I think Anna noticed and left the part of the cave.

"Jack are you staring me up?" I decided to ask him. "Maybe," he replied to me. I gave him a little smile. And yet still he was staring at me. "Could you please stop staring at me its kind of creepy," I asked him. "But your beautiful," he said. And after Anna came back in and soon after Hiccup and Merida.

Jack's Point of View

Once Merida was awake and came in we all had a chat of what we could do to help save Punzie and any good skills that could lead towards helping her. No one had any ideas so this was going to take longer than I thought. Then Hiccup came up with the idea of combining our powers together to make us stronger and more powerful and dangerous. That wasn't such a bad idea so we got on it straight away.

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