How Is She Getting Stronger

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Punzie's Point of View

What just happened I mean me and Pitch had the same expressions on our faces and he must of heard Merida's voice as well. But how. She's not even here not even around us. Yet my wish came true I wanted a sign and I got one. That must mean they are on their way. At least I hope they are. Hurry Merida, and I think Pitch must be very angry he forgot about Eugene.

Pitch's Point of View

How can she be getting stronger that is the only way Rapunzel to hear her. I gave those as nightmares and to make her suffer in her dreams, not to try and help. She must be stopped before she gets any closer. But still how is she getting stronger. Ha of course her anger and working so hard gets her more and more stronger and the stronger Merida gets the weaker my nightmare becomes. The more stronger she gets Rapunzel will be able to see her and then they will be able to touch and then they can communicate anytime Merida goes to sleep. Now that this has happened they will be able to talk whenever and Merida won't see this nightmare ever again. Damn I should of seen that coming.

Merida's Point of View

"Hiccup I think I have the answer," I called to Hiccup when no one was around. He came rushing over "What is it?" he asked me. "I think that everytime I go to that dream Punzie will be able to hear me and then see me and everything. Also I think Pitch gave this to me. So I could be fearful. So I would be scared. But instead its got me stronger so he is getting weaker," I said to Hiccup. "Merida you are a genious," Hiccup replied back. He pulled me into a hug and I let him and I hugged him back. After days working day and night to figure it out we finally had the answer, all I needed to do was make sure Punzie doesn't to anything stupid.

Comment on what you think so far and basically if your confused then because now Punzie has heard Merida for real the dream stops and now Merida and Punzie might be able to talk but I'm not gonna tell you. Pitch doesn't take it away because its perminent so he can't take it out. That's why Merida will still be able to see Punzie but will be in the present time. As the dream was before everything happened. Thanks.

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