You Have To Be Kidding Me

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Jack's Point of View

"Why did you send them home we need them!" I shouted at North. I am so angry right now I could freeze everything. "WE don't need them cause me and the others are handling this not you and your team he's two strong," he said to me. "Wait so hold on I'm not coming now this is ridculous," I replied to him. He just said "It's my decision and I say no your not coming let us handle this cause he's too dangerous." This was getting me more angrier than ever "We've fought against him before we can do it again. Oh come on North," I shouted at him. But no he shook his head and didn't change his mind. He then left the room.

This was so annoying. I wasn't just gonna sit here and do nothing. Sending my team home when we could be Punzie's only hope. I mean what are they gonna do just the four of them. We had a team of six when we went against Pitch their gonna need more people to help fight.

I went to the door, I didn't care what North said I was gonna go get the others and we were gonna help fight. I got to the door and found it was locked. North locked me in. What was I gonna do now. If I freeze it nothings gonna happen. Basically I'm trapped. "North let me out of here now or I'll bang the door down," I shouted at the top of my voice. That was an idea banging the door down. I waited and nothing happened looked like I was gonna have to find another way out. Like banging the door down.

Tooth's Point of View

I was thinking maybe Jack was right, if it was dangerous plus Pitch is stronger than ever then maybe North made the wrong decision about sending the others home. And locking Jack in his room. This was way to terrible to get my head around.

I thought about asking North if we could bring the others back but then I thought maybe he woulr lock me up in a room as well. And I didn't want that. So I kept my mouth shut. We went into the workshop to figure out a plan...

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The Big Six - Trapped, Lost, Alone (Book 2 Sequel to The Big Six)Where stories live. Discover now