Finally A Way Out...

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Punzie's Point of View

My God I've been searching for hours and I can't find a way out. Maybe I should just give up I mean I've searched everywhere and there is literally nowhere. Looks like I'm just gonna have to wait for the others. That is if they are coming or not. I mean surely they would of came by now. Unless something has gone wrong of course.

I sat against the wall and started throwing a rock against the wall opposite me as I was bored. I started getting bored of that too so I stopped at just pulled my knees up to my chest and lowered my head into my knees and started crying. When I looked back up I saw that there was something on my knees. I thought that I must be imagining it but when I rubbed my eyes and looked back up there was something there and I knew who or shall I say what it was. It was Pascal my pet Chameleon.

How did he get in here I mean there is nowhere to get in not even from outside the cell. "How'd you get here Pascal?" I asked him. He just pointed his tail in the direction of the wall. I looked at him confused. "The Wall, Pascal I've looked everywhere and there is no way out." He just shook his head then went over to the wall and did an action of push. Light Bulb, I know what he's on about.

So I went over to the wall and started pushing any of the bricks. All of the ones that I tried were block solid. I went down lower to try some and one of them moved. A rush of joy went through me. Then I tried a few others around it and they moved. It was a big enough gap for me to get through.

Just as I was about to go through I suddenly felt a big force push me back against the wall. When I looked around to see what did that to me I saw Pitch closing up the gap in the wall. I ran over to and tried pushing him out of the way but he just pushed back harder. He then started coming up to me and got hold of me and dragged me out of the cell.

We started heading towards a different cell and he shoved me against chains. He started connecting them to me. "Hey what do you think your doing stop it!" I shouted at him. Once he was finished he just shoved me against the wall. "Now you won't be able to try and escape or find a way out," he said to me. Then left and locked the door.

This time I was locked him a room not a see through cell with bars this time it was an actual cell like the ones you find in movies. Once he left I got up and ran in the direction of the door. But I couldn't reach it. It only took me half way and I couldn't go any further. So I just went and sat up against the floor and cupped myself together.

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The Big Six - Trapped, Lost, Alone (Book 2 Sequel to The Big Six)Where stories live. Discover now