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Anna's Point of View

When we were practising our skills it didn't feel right withour everyone here. Without Punzie it felt strange. She always brightened us all up the group was just lonely and dull without her. Anyway we decided to combine Toothless's fire power with Merida's archery so when she shoots the whole arrow with be on fire. But also with Toothless's power we combined it with Elsa's ice power. So she would freeze the fire ball and it would smash into the enemy we are aiming at. Same with Merida's arrow really.

Then there was me, Jack of course had ice so would do the exact same. But then there was me. I did nothing. I had nothing. I know they say I have the power of a true heart. But they all have powers and I don't. So what use am I really. I watch what they are all doing and it's like I'm invisable because they are so busy when I try and say something they completly ignore me. So I decided to leave the cave for a little fresh air and some time alone to think.

Jack's Point of View

I was concentrating so hard everyone combining there powers including me that I hadn't really realised that Anna had disappeared. Then I saw a shadow head towards the exit of the cave. I followed and outside I saw Anna sitting down on a rock. She looked like she hda been crying. As I went up closer I was right she had been crying.

"Anna what's wrong?" I asked her. She jumped as she didn't know I was there. "Oh nothing I'm fine," she cried back to me. "I didn't ask you if you were ok so that means something is wrong," I said to her and I sat next to her. "Well what I am I doing here really, I mean I'm no use to really. All of you have powers and then there's me with nothing," She replied to me. I felt a bit shocked and a little hurt (I didn't know why I felt like that I just did). "Anna you have the heart of true love that's a strength and you would put yourself up before us to protect us," I said ot her. She smiled then said "Yh but thats not great is it." I shook my head in despair. "Why would I choose you if I didn't think you were good enough huh," I said to her. "Well if you say so," She replied to me. As we started to head back inside I said ot her "If it bothers you so much then maybe you should try fighting lessons then you'll have something that we don't." She smiled at me and we went back inside the cave.

Elsa's Point of View

"Where were you too we got so worried," I said running up to both of them. "Well she was worried," Merida said and winked at Jack. Jack just gave her frown. "We practised and practised and we think we have finally got it," I said to Jack. I was so annoyed he and my sister went off and yet I thought he liked me but I guess not he's hitting on my sister. Looking me up and down acting as if he liked me and yet I fouled for it. How stupid of me.

We showed them both what we could do then I stormed off cause I was so angry. "Elsa where you going?" I heard Hiccup shout at me. I didn't answer just carried on walking until I was at the back of the cave where I was alone. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder, it was Jack. "Elsa what's up?" He asked. "You your hitting on my sister!" I shouted at him. I think I was a bit rough cause he looked shocked. "What I would never hit on your sister and why on earth would you think that," he replied to me. "You came back in all smily and you just wandered off," I said to him. "I don't even like your sister in that way I like her as a friend I love you Elsa why do you think I look you up and down and smile at you all the time," He said to me. I felt so stupid now but he loved me I thought he never did. "I love you too and I'm sorry," I apologised to him and we gave each other a hug. "It's ok Elsa." Jack replied to me. From then on we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend.

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