How Is This Possible

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Punzie's Point of View

I can't get Merida out of mind. How was she here, why was here, how could I hear her? So many questions in my head. I don't even care about what Pitch says to me anymore. From what I heard Merida say she is right I don't have to do anything that Pitch tells me to do even if that does mean threatening Eugene.

Pitch has even come with Gothel since that day except to give me food and all but he won't even speak to me. I decided to ask him why I could hear Merida's voice cause there had to be a reason and I bet he was involved with it. This time when he came I asked him "Pitch why could I hear Merida's voice when I was healing Gothel?" He turned round and looked really angry and replied "That is none of your concern!" I was a bit hurt I thought he would tell me. "So you were involved in it if you said that," I said to him. He just smirked and walked off.

That night couldn't sleep so I was up the whole night in the dark although there was a little light and I did have a candle with me so that was okay. Suddenly I saw a figure it looked like Merida, I blinked a few times and opened my eyes again and I was right Merida was standing right in front of me. "Punzie listen to me I don't know if you can hear me but don't worry were all coming to get you its just taking some time" She said to me. I called out back "MERIDA, MERIDA IS THAT REALLY YOU!"

Merida's Point of View

A few nights and I haven't seen Punzie so I was hoping i would this night. I lead on Hiccup's lap each night while he layed his back on the wall and we were both hoping for something new each night. We stayed away from the others each night so if it does happen and I call out Hiccup's the only one who hears for he knows what's happening.

This night we fell asleep quite quick. Then in my dream this time I actually saw Punzie by herself. This time I knew it was real just like me and Hiccup figured out. I called out to Punzie and said "Punzie listen to me, I don't know if you can hear me but don't worry were all coming to get you, its taking some time." Then I heard her call out back to me "MERIDA, MERIDA IS THAT REALLY YOU!" I was shocked she could hear me and she replied to me. Shows that we can communicate like me and Hiccup also figured out. But I didn't think it would be this quick.

"Punzie you can hear me," I asked her. "OMG Merida I can and I can see you," she replied. we were both jumping with joy. "Merida how is this possible I mean first I heard you and now I can see you. Do you know what's happening?" she asked me. I explained everything that me and Hiccup have found out and how we're the only ones who know. She was shocked and also a bit upset I could tell. "This is so much to get my head around," she said to me. "I know but we can only come for you if we know where you are could you tell us," I asked her. "Well... wait you have to go, Pitch is coming promise me you'll come back tomorrow," she said to me. I nodded and opened my eyes and saw Hiccup looking down at me. "What happned?" he asked. I just smiled up at him.

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