North Pole

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Merida's Point of View

We left Pitch's lair and I saw Jack, Elsa and Anna waiting outside for us. Anna ran up to us and pulled me and Punzie into a huge hug and said "Thank God your alive and both safe," she then turned to me and said "You did it you saved Punzie all by yourself." I felt proud of myself cause she was right I did. "What did you think Merida of what we did?" Jack asked. I turned around and said "That was you, all of you but since when do you care about me?" I asked back. They just laughed. Then I grabbed Punzie's hand and said "Shall we head back to the North Pole?" so we headed back in that direction.

Tooth's Point of View

We waited all of us, none of us acted not even North. We didn't come up with a plan we just sat and waited. Then we heard voices and then we turned around and Jack, Elsa, Anna, Hiccup, Merida and Punzie walked through. I flew straight over to them and gave them a huge hug. "Punzie it's so good to see you again," she said thanks in return. Then North came through the back looking all jolly I said to Bunny "Looks like he's had a change of emotions," and Bunny nodded.

We all sat chatting and having fun. They were telling us what happened and before we were getting to the good part North interrupted and said "Merida, can I speak to you privately please," she nodded and they went into a separate room. This got me thinking a bit. But I left it and carried on chatting with the others.

Merida's Point of View

"What is it North?" I asked him when we were alone. "I know what you did Merida, I was watching your every move," he said to me. I stumbled backwards "You what!" i shouted back at him. He told me to calm down but how could I, I mean he's been following me. "I'm not gonna tell you off for what you did but you should not of ran off. But what you did took guts, you stood up to Pitch all by yourself and no one would ever do that. You stood up for your friends, you stood up for what was right. So I congratulate for that." I looked up at him and I smiled and said thanks then we walked back to the others.

The Big Six - Trapped, Lost, Alone (Book 2 Sequel to The Big Six)Where stories live. Discover now