Chapter 1

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"Mom...why are we leaving??", Shian pouts.

"Honey...I've explained to you before...your grandma need us...she misses us...dont you miss your grandma?"

"Of course I do...I love grandma...but can't we visit her for a week then come back home??"

"Why? Is there someone you dont want to leave?", Sooji smiles knowingly. "Ella?", Ella was their neighbour's daughter in New York. She was really close to Shian, they born a month apart. Went to the same school. They're practically inseparable.

Shian looks at her hesitantly. "I promised Ella I will always stay by her side...".

"I am on your side...I am on Choi Sooji's side..."

Sooji sighs. 8 years passed and it still hurt every time she remembered him. She looks at her son sadly. "Shian...remember should never make a promise like that again..."

"Why???", he looks at her innocently.

" might not be able to keep that promise...and it'll hurt her..."

"But I want to stay by her side, Mom..."

Sooji chuckles. Laughing at herself for trying to make 7 years old boy understand that. "You can still call her every day...and we'll visit them on your school break..."


Sooji nods.

"Promise?!!", Shian gives her his pinky finger.

Sooji's linking her pinky's with his. "I promise..."

"THANK YOU MOM!!!", he yells excitedly then pull Sooji's face with his little arms and kiss her.

"I love you go to sleep...we still have a few hours before we landed..."

"I love you too Mom...a loooot...", he grins.

Sooji smiles watching her son closes his eyes. Now it's quiet again. She hates that. She hates the feeling of being left alone. Sooji closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Suddenly she feels a small hand reaches her. Holding her hand.

"I am here Mom...I won't leave you...", Shian mumbles with closed eyes. Sooji squeezes his hand gently. Shian reminds her of someone whom she's trying so hard to forget. Someone who became her reason to take her own life so many times before. But Shian is her only reason to live too. She smiles at the irony.

It's been almost 8 years since she left Seoul. She never thought that she'll ever go back. But her Mom is going to get married. With Secretary Yoon, Shihyun's Dad secretary. Or maybe she can just call him Mr Yoon because he didn't work with Shihyun's Dad anymore.

She is really glad her mom finally find someone that can make her happy. Her mom asked her to come back home. And stay in Korea. At first, she refused obviously. But her mom insisted. She guilt-trips her by saying that she's old and she wanted to spend her retirement close with her only daughter and grandson. And her Mom already finds her a job as a music teacher in one of her colleague music school.

She finally agreed. But with few term and conditions. First, she won't stay with her. She'll stay in an apartment with Shian. She won't help run the hospital, because she feels like she has no ability to do that. And her mom agreed. Easily. So here she is. On the flight to her home. A home that she loves and hates.


"How do I look?", Sooji's mon standing in front of her nervously. She's wearing a simple sky blue dress.

"You look gorgeous mom...", Sooji smiles. She's happy seeing how happy her mom now.

"I am sorry...", her mom suddenly says sadly.

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