6. Necessary

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"Everlee," a voice calls out from behind me as I walk down the school hallway. I turn around and see Asher making his way towards me,"Where were you yesterday? I did not see you after school."

"Umm.. I had some work to do so I was in a hurry," I reply nervously .

"Okay, anyway what's your first class. Can I  walk you there?" he questions .

I shake my head and say,"No, I am good, thanks though."

"Then see you at lunch?" he asks hopefully.

Ok Lee just do it , come on.

"No, I guess not. I am fine, I really don't want to bother you guys. You all are really nice but I don't wanna come meddle in your friend group," I say internally grimacing at my lame reason.

"What? It's nothing like that, everyone likes you. We are not born in a joined group. It is formed by accepting new people. And everyone seems to like you, all of them would love to be your friend," Asher reasons with a smile.

"Asher please, stop it. I don't want any friends. Stop being so nice to me. Whatever you guys did for me thank you so much for that but now please just leave me alone." I snap and turned around feeling like the worst person. I stop and look at his stunned face and continue,"And tell this to all your friends."

"Sure I will. Thank you for clearing things up because I thought you liked being with us. I did not know we were bothering you so much. Sorry for that," he replies harshly and walks away.

I feet bad, like really bad but this is what's best for me and for them.


The bell ring signalling the end of the class. I make my way to the cafeteria. Loud laughter rings through the hallway, I look up at the voices and see Amaya smacking Blake as he laughs his ass off. Suddenly, her eyes meet mine and I freeze.

What do I do? Should I smile? Say hi? Maybe just ignore them..

Before I could do any of those things she just averts her eyes and continues talking to Eveleine and Blake. Ouch, but I'm the one to blame. I guess Asher talked to them .

I am in no mood to eat anymore so I just spend my time on the bleachers. Assuring myself that I did the right thing or maybe not?


I walk towards the library with my lunch in my hand. It's been three days since I last  talked to Asher or any of his friends. They did not even try talking to me, maybe they realised I am not worth their time.

I enter the library and see a lady arranging some books in the shelves, I assume she is the librarian. Maybe I should ask her first before having my lunch here.

I walk towards her and say, "Hi."

She turns around and looks at me,"Oh hi, do you need help with something?" She gives me a smile looking at me.

"No, I just wanted to ask you if I could have my lunch here?" she looks at me as if I am the weirdest person she has ever seen but quickly brushes that look and says,"Of course you can, I am just surprised that you are asking my permission."

Why is she surprised? She is the incharge of this place, people have to ask her permission, right?

"I am Amelia porter, you can take any seat you want and from the next time you don't have to take my permission," she says with a chuckle.

"Okay, thank you so much Miss Porter." I  smile at her.

"It's Mrs." I look at her hand but there is no ring on her finger.

"My husband died two years ago, so I don't wear my wedding ring. Looking at it keeps reminding me of what I lost and I am trying to move on so yeah," she replies with a sad smile as if reading my mind.

"Oh...... , I would say I am sorry but I don't think it would mean anything. Saying sorry does not reduce the pain you feel. Acting like you know what the other person is feeling is useless. You can't pretend to understand a situation if your not in it yourself." I get so lost in my thoughts that I do not notice her hand on shoulder until she gives it a squeeze.

"We just need to be strong," she says as if sensing the true meaning behind my words,"Now come on eat your lunch before the bell rings." She smiles and walks to the other shelves.

I walk to the corner seat and set my stuff down. I open my lunch when I hear voices. At first I try to ignore them but then my curiosity wins. I walk towards the far most corner of the shelf beside me and peek behind them. I cover my mouth with my hand so that no noise comes out of it after seeing the scene in front of me.

Percy and some guys are doing drugs. My god! Why are they doing this on school property and that to in a library. I have to get out of here before he sees me. I take my stuff and practically run out of the library, Mrs Porter looks at me weirdly but I do not stop.

I walk as fast as I can to get away from him. I look back to see if he is following me, yeah call me paranoid but you can't tell with him.

"Woah! Slow down." I turn my head and see Asher with his hands in front of him, inches away from bumping into me.

I am panting heavily and probably look like a madwomen with my half combed hair. I look at the little distance between us and abruptly take a step back.

He raises his eyebrows,"You look like someone's chasing you or someone really is chasing you."

"No, why would you say that?" I laugh nervously trying to make him believe that I am telling the truth but by looking at his face I don't think he bought it.

"It's just that I have to submit an assingment and then get to class. I don't wanna be late," I say trying to make him believe me.

"Okay..", he looks behind me at the turn where I came from,"What were you even doing here in the lunch time?" he questions looking back at me.

"I can ask you the same quetion?" I exclaime defensively.

"Yes you can and I also have an answer l. I am here to meet Mrs Porter. I wanted to read this book which she had in her collection so she let me borrow it for a while and now I am here to return it. Now what's your answer?" he says confidently making me loosing the little I had.

I gulp and admit embarrassingly,"I was at the library to eat my lunch." Practically, I did not have it but that does not matter anymore I have to get out of here Asap.

He frowns,"Why were you at the libr-."

"Asher Kellins," a voice interrupts him and I very well know who that voice belongs to.

No no this isn't happening please god tell me this is not freaking happening!


Things are going to be more interesting soon 😉
So keep Reading and supporting !!

Ahh I have crosses 300 reads ,I am so happy😁
Just wanted to thank my bestest friend poojagaupale for motivating me to write and publish this book.❤

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