18. You'll get through this shit

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Song suggestion: This is what it takes or A Little too much by Shawn


"Mum, how are you feeling?" Ash asks gently.

"As usual. How was your day?" her voice is soft and a little tired.

He gulps and says,"Amazing." He turns his head to look at me,"Mum, this is Lee. Lee, my mom."

My lips lift up in a smile,"Hi.. Mrs-"

"It's Miss Carter." Ash says pursing his lips.

I bite the inside my cheek and look away. Miss Carter sighs,"You can simply call me Jess, Everlee."

I quickly nod and look at Ash. He still seems tense and does not make eye contact with me. I really did offend him I guess. His words from two days ago, replayed in my mind. His words about his dad.

"Ash can I see you for a second!?" Elizabeth's voice calls from a distance.

"Yeah.... I'll be there! Uh I'll be back in a minute." He hurries out the room leaving just me and his mom.

I lick my lips feeling conscious."Everlee dear, come sit." She taps her hand on the space beside her.

I swallow my nerves and step ahead to sit on the bed. I intertwine my fingers together and place my hands on my lap.

She smiles,"It seems like Ash does all the talking when you both are together."

I breathe out a chuckle,"Yeah... sorta."

"He talks about you so much. I am glad I finally got to meet you." Her eyes shine a little making the previous dullness go away.

I blush a little and look away. She gives a slight laugh and exclaimes,"I hope you don't get irritated by his talking."

I shake my head at her,"No never. Sometimes he talks too much but it doesn't bother me. I like his talking."

She sighs and says,"I just wish it stays that way. I love seeing him so happy all the time, after- after what he is been through. Please even if he makes a mistake, don't stop being his friend. He deserves this feeling. Previously he used to hide his problems but now......now it seems like he forgets about them for a while to enjoy what is actually important in his life. So please, I request you."

Her eyes shine again but now it is because of the water swirling inside them. I place my hand on hers and smile,"I will never leave his side. I'll stay there as long as he wants me to. I promise."

"She still isn't used to- wait what did I miss?" I look behind me and see Ash at the doorway.

I take my hand back and place it in my lap again. He slowly walks inside the room and stands beside me.

"The part where I told Everlee about you refusing to eat anything without feeding your dolls." Her lips curl up in a playful smirk.

I chuckle and Ash's eyes widen,"Mum you are not supposed to tell that to my friends! Lee, we should go to our project before I get more embarrased."

I laugh loudly but get up anyway. I face Jess and say,"It was nice meeting you Jess."

She grins and says,"You too."

We both exit her room and go up to his room. He opens the door and gestures for me to walk inside. As soon as I step inside a weird but pleasant smell hits my nose. His room has a window seat which is probably the best part of the room.

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