30. I admire you

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Please read:

So, I know I've been gone for a month now and I know I kept you guys hanging. Some of you might not wanna read any further and I'm okay with that. I know that feeling of frustration everytime the author updates after ages, I've been there. But now I've understood the other side too. The last month has been hella hectic. I had school, some personal things do too. And I didn't wanted to force myself to write something when words weren't coming into my mind, the product wouldn't have been satisfying. I started writing a few days ago after having this huge urge to write, and once I started I couldn't stop. The words kept flowing in and inspired me to do more.
I promise you guys I'll update regularly from now onwards.
I hope you understand. All those who will still read my book after this, thank you so much. I love all of you for supporting me❤

Also I've changed my writing style a little, from this chapter, so hope you don't mind that😊
Happy reading!


"Just two more weeks and we are done with junior year," Eve says curling up closer to Wes.

"Yeah, I'm so ready for the holidays," Blake speaks grabbing some popcorn.

"You have to be ready for the exams too Blake," Evan noted, making Blake scowl.

We are at Asher's house for the special movie night he planned for me. He was still worried if I'll be okay to come but I assured him that I'll be fine. And I wasn't lying, he made everything so better. Better than any other times when I used to drown in my own tears. But this time it was different, I was able to get up with a smile on my face.

Slow circles on my arm makes me sigh contently and lean back against Ash's chest. We are snuggled up at the foot of the couch in his living room. Wes and Eve are a little distance away, Amaya and Evan are on the couch and Blake is practically sleeping beside them. As soon as he entered the house, he asked for food because apparently that was the only reason he agreed to come. The others thought this was a great idea to relax before the stressful week ahead.

"I almost forgot, what are the plans for Friday Ash?" Blake asks with his eyebrows raised.

Ash shrugs,"The usual."

I turn my face to him,"What is on Friday?"

"His Birthday, he didn't tell you?" Eve asks with confusion.

I shake my head, and look at him,"I was going to tell you. I just didn't get the time."

I smiled softly,"It's okay."

He pecks my forehead and gets up,"I'll get us some more snacks as Blake hogged all of it."

The said person throws a pillow at him which he successfully doges. I get up too,"I'll come with you."

We both walk to the kitchen and Ash starts looking for food in the cabinets,"Umm.... so what are you doing for your birthday?"

He turns towards me with a few packets of chips in his hand,"I actually don't celebrate my birthday. I just have a small dinner with my mom and friends."

"Why so?" I ask curiously picking on the kitchen island.

He starts dumping the chips in a big bowl,"You know a long time back I was turning ten and had this huge birthday party. I always did, every year. So many people, so many gifts, so much food," he chuckles but it lacks humor,"That was also the first birthday my dad didn't show up, not that he used to be any enthusiastic in the previous years. There was a whole room of people in front of me, but I had never felt so alone," he stares at the island as if recalling that exact moment.

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