15. I tried

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*Trigger warning. Abusive content ahead*


"Here, want some?" Ash offers me some candies. I take one and plop it in my mouth.

It is our free period and Ash said we should just relax for this one. It's raining outside and so he wanted to sit some place from where the rain would be visible. That is that reason why we are sitting on the concrete balustrade of our hallway, with our legs dangling down. Tiny drops of rain are hitting our legs, making wet spots on our pants.

It's been two weeks since the day at the playground. In this course of time I have got really close to my friends, especially Asher. I don't know how but now I can touch him without hesitation, make jokes without feeling embarrassed afterwards and I don't blush anymore when he compliments me. I think that's progress.

Last week Percy was back to school and I was a nervous wreck that morning. But Lina helped me calm down and told me everything would be okay. I believed her and went through my day like any other. However, I was greeted with a glare as soon as I spotted Percy entering the cafeteria. Fortunately, there were only glares this whole time. He did not try anything and I tried to avoid him as much as possible.

Also, I saw Asher at the tracks again. He was with some guys just standing with them. That time I was not shocked but more curious. Why would a guy like him be there? I hid away from him till he was out of there. It felt like I was kinda..... deceiving him but I had to do it.

"Have you ever looked at the sky and wondered if someone is watching it too, like at the exact same time?" My thoughts are interuppted by Asher's low voice.

"No, have you?" My voice matches his not wanting to break this quite moment.

He sighs,"Always,..makes me feel like someone is out there who understands me without exchange of any words."

I look at him, really look at him. He is staring right ahead, his eyes focused at a far distance. They aren't shining like always, they aree clouded with emotions. Emotions which never surfaced before, but now he has them making him vulnerable.

"What is it Ash?" My voice a mere whisper.

He lowers his eyes for a moment and then looks at me,"You remember the day I told you about the illegal thing I am involved in..... I don't wanna do it Lee. But I have no choice."

He leans against the pillar behind him and faces me,"I have issues, real damn issues with my father. He... he does not deserve to be a dad but I have to endure him for every fucking day if my life."

He bites his lip and looks away,"He made me do it. He says I owe him. I wish I could go seventeen years back and stop him from becoming a father. I'd prefer not being born in this world than to be his son."

"Don't say that. Please." I breathe out desperately.

It pains me to see him like this. He looks lost, broken ....... tired.

His eyes arere glistening,"But there is my mom. I am ready to face every fucking thing as long as she is by my side. I don't think that I would have made it till here if it wasn't for my mom. I love her so much."

I place my hand on his and squeeze it,"Everything is going to be okay Ash."

He turns his hand making our palms touch and interwines our fingers. He raises his face and looks me in the eye,"Yeah it's gonna be okay. Thank you."

I shake my head,"Thank you. For telling me this."

He gives me a weak but genuine smile,"I trust you Lee. I really do."

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