22. Ash has a crush

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Song suggestion: Kid In Love by Shawn Mendes.


"Don't worry about the script I'll give that to them." Ash says as we both exit the literature class.

I nod giving him a smile and continue walking. Blake and Wes go to their next class and we head towards the library because it's our free.

Ash is talking about the script presentation we have two weeks later. There are total fifteen scripts from the whole class which we submitted last week. Today the teacher told us the 6 pairs whose project she liked the most. And now to get full grades we have to make a joined project with the students of the drama class. It's their project too, they have to enact their given script, who does the best gets full grades. We have been told to hand over our script to some students and work with them.

It's been three days since I realised that I have feelings for Asher. Three whole days and I just have thought more and more every single day. The following day after that night was me being giddy due to the fact that I actually have feelings for a guy, such an amazing one that too. But the next day came and there comes my anxiousness.

I prepared myself to face Ash while walking to school on Monday but the moment I saw him it felt like a shit ton of bricks were dumped on me. I felt like I was gonna collapse, I was so awkward around Ash yesterday and I know he caught it because he asked me about it at the end of the day.

I just shrugged and told him that everything was absolutely fine. I went home and laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I knew that this was not gonna happen, there's no chance. I had to get myself together, so what if I do like Asher that doesn't mean that he likes me too. I don't want to ruin whatever's between us and so I decided to go back to how I was, no fucking awkwardness.

Fortunately, today has been okay as far now except one or two times me staring at him for no reason. I love seeing him laugh and now that I know why, I can't help but stare. Yeah, I don't know how long I can keep this up but let's hope for the best. I have no experience in this, I don't know what to do, can't blame me.

We enter the library and greet Mrs Porter. We make our way to the end of the library where we usually sit. I am surprised to find Amaya and Eve already sitting on one of the tables. We reach there and I raise my eyebrows at Eve.

"We'll get to that, take a seat," she says gesturing to the chairs.

We both sit down and keep our backpacks on the table. Ash leane back and wounds his arm on the back of my chair, getting comfortable. I bite the inside of my cheek and fiddle with my sleeves. I haven't felt this way anytime before but now I do beacuse I have a crush on this guy for god's sake. Eve narrows her eyes at my expression and smirks.

I avert my eyes and look at Amaya,"Okay, so Eve talked to Blake's mom. She is ready to have the surprise party. She said she will buy everything but we convinced her to take the money. You boys have to take him to some place after school and then come back around 7:30 or something. We'll handle the rest, all good?"

"Perfect," Ash says smiling. Eve and Amaya nod and got up picking up their bags.

"Lee, you need to actually bring your whole weekend bag to school on Friday. You can keep it in my car and we'll go to Blake's house after school. I hope your parents are okay with you being away for three days," Eve asks hopefully.

I smile and say,"Yeah, of course I'll be there."

They smile and start walking to the exit. I feel Asher's eyes on me so I turn my head towards him. He bites his lip,"I'm sorry, I didn't think this through. You obviously have to ask Paulina. Do you want me to-"

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