25. Get used to it

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My alarm blares making me groan and bury my face into the pillow. I extend my hand towards the bedside table and tap the surface trying to find my phone. When I get hold of it, I bring it towards me and pull my head out from the pillow. I turn off the alarm and unlock my phone. My lips pull up in a smile when I see my home screen. It has a picture of me and Lee from yesterday. We were just looking at each other and Blake had clicked it without us knowing. He sent it to me last night and I instantly fell in love with the picture. I saved it as my home screen so that I would always look at the picture and realise how lucky I am to have her in my life.

From the day I saw her, I was intrigued by her personality. But when she didn't wanted to be friends with us I was kinda hurt because I tried my best to get to know her and yet I failed. I was glad when we finally started talking again. To be honest at first I wanted to be her friend but when we grew more comfortable I started looking at her in a different way. But I only realised it when we were at my house and unknowingly I was so vulnerable in front of her. She did not try to make me feel better rather just held me, comforted me and that was what made me feel better.

She makes me happy and that's what I want in my life. I want to see her happy all the time, I want to hear her cute little giggle all the time, I want to kiss her all the time, I want to play with her hair all the time, I want to care for her all the time. If this isn't liking somebody then what is?

No one in this world can change my mind on this. I'm so whipped for her that I can't explain it in words. I'm ready to do anything to make her smile. I don't know if I could've gone through this tough time without her. She has helped me in so many ways that she can't even imagine. Her mear presence makes my whole body light up in happiness, her smile lights up my heart.

I know we have just confessed our feelings for each other and are not even in a relationship yet but I feel like I'm already falling for her, hard. I don't wanna tell this to her and scare her away. She is already unsure about us and I don't want her to feel like I'm rushing into things. I know she already has a lot going on and maybe a lot had happend in her past, I have noticed it every time. I want to take it slow and let her decide what she wants. Beacuse I don't want to let her go not when I know she feels the same way for me.

I quickly click my phone off and get up to get ready. It's 7:30 and I'm sure no one is awake yet, everyone was very exhausted yesterday. I have to get up beacuse it's my breakfast duty today. We have had this cooking duties since we started coming here on our own. I can't cook that nice so I always take up my duty with Amaya. She is a great cook, her food makes us even more hungry. Also, she is the only one who gives me less work, all others make me do extra just because I don't know how to cook the main product.

We generally come here for two to three days so we have our duties divided for all the time. We did not talk to Lee about this because she was coming here for the first time and we wanted her to feel comfortable. From the next time I'll make sure to take up my cooking duty with her. But that would lead to nothing as she can't cook either.

I walk inside the bathroom and take a shower. I brush my teeth after wearing my clothes and get out of the bathroom. I go down and se Amaya already in the kitchen mixing something up in a bowl.

"Morning," she looks up at my voice and smiles.

"Good morning. You are late than usual this time. Long night?" she asks smugly.

I laugh and nudge her shoulder playfully,"Shut up and tell me what I have to do."

She chuckles and says,"I have already prepared the batter for pancakes. Just cut some fruits."

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