14. Are we good?

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"Eve, you said you liked the blue one, why do you want to check out the golden one?" Amaya whines.

"What if that one suits me more? I have to be sure when I buy a gown." Eve takes the gown and goes to the changing room.

"It's too hard to go shopping with Eve." Amaya sighs and takes a seat on one of the chairs.

I too sit on a chair and say,"She looks really excited for this, feels like she wants to look her best."

Amaya smiles fondly,"Yeah there are going to be children everywhere, of course she is happy."

Eveleine and Evan's parents have sponsored a fund raiser for an orphanage on sunday. They are having some exhibition sort of thing. Eve is very excited for it because she really likes children and they have decided to bring the children to the event.

I look up when I hear footsteps. Eve appeares in front of us wearing the golden gown. It is an off shoulder sheath gown with flowers embroided on the sleeves. It is simple but looked very elegant.

"You look stunning. I am so glad you decided to try this one," Amaya says with wide eyes.

"Thank you..... so should I buy it?" Amaya nods at Eve's question and then her eyes meet mine.

Does my opinion matter?......

I smile,"Yeah, you look beautiful."

"You get it, we will be outside," Amaya says when Eve turns towards the changing room.

We both go out the shop and wait for Eve. We are at a mall close to the school. Eve and Amaya had asked me if I wanted to hangout after school. I was reluctant at first but then I did not wanted to repeat what happened a day ago so I agreed. I called Lina telling her about it and she was very much okay with it, told me to be as late as I can be.

When we were coming to the mall, Eve said that we were going to a nearby playground after shopping and the boys were going to meet us there. I did not sign up for that but there was no turning back.

"Okay done, let's go." Eve comes out with the shopping bag.

We exit the mall and make our way to her car. We sit inside and Eve takes off.

"Lee, do you like playing outside? Like kids?" Eve asks me from the driver's seat.

"It.... depends," I answer uncertainly.

I have no experience of that so I can't say much about it.....

In my old school others wouldn't talk to me, playing was not even in the picture.

"I hope today you won't mind. The guys have planned something like that. We do this once in a while, makes us feel relaxed and forget about all our worries," Amaya says looking at me from the front seat.

I mearly shrug and look at my hands.

"Even if she does, Asher will convince her," Eve says smugly, her lip twisting up in a smirk.

My cheeks tint red at her suggestive words. I know what she is truly meaning to say. I am not that dumb.

Amaya giggles, both sharing a knowing look and Eve continues,"Aww look at her cheeks. Don't be shy Lee....."

"No......I-I it's..it's not..." Why the fuck am I stuttering?

"Come on Lee.. there is something going on between you guys; the way you to look at each other. Something like a crush or...," Amaya says teasingly.

"No! There is nothing, we are friends," I say firmly.

Why do everyone think I have a crush on him!? What the hell!

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