20. Of course this happens

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"Stop talking while eating." I say sternly to Ash.

"Sowy." His voice comes muffled due to the sandwich inside his mouth.

We all are sitting in the cafeteria. It's   thurday today, almost a week passed since the party. This week has been extremely exhausting. We had so many assignments and on top of that I had been called to the tracks everyday. Fortunately, I am off for three days from tommorow.

"Guys..... so what are the plans for next week?" Blake asks wiggling his eyebrows at everyone.

Everyone looks at each other frowning. Eveleine pops a chip in her mouth and asks,"What's next week?"

Blake gives her a narrowed eye glare and says,"Look, I know you guys like teasing me but don't and I mean it, don't lie about you guys forgetting my birthday."

Evan punches his shoulder lightly and says,"You know we wouldn't forget it dummy. We just don't know what to do yet."

"Well, I was thinking we could use my dad's lake house for the weekend. We haven't been there in a while." Wes suggests.

"That would be great. We can stay there for a day. Go trekking and stuff. What's say Blake?" Eveleine asks with a smile.

"I'm okay with anything. I just want to have some fun after this tiring week." He says shrugging.

"Okay, so we go to the lake house on Blake's birthday night and come back on Sunday?" Everyone nods at Wes' question.

His eyes fall upon,"Lee?".

I bite my lip and pick at my nails. Without pondering further I say,"Yeah, sure."

I know that is really impulsive and uncalled for. But I'm going to be honest and say that I really wanna go. This time I took a spontaneous decision, yes, because if I start thinking about it there will be so many reasons to not go. I, for once want to live how I want and deal with the consequences later. So, yeah I am gonna be at the lake house next week.

Ash nudges my shoulder gaining my attention. He raises his eyebrows questioningly and mouths'You Okay?'. I smile slightly and nod my head at him.

He turns around and smirks,"Guys you know what happend at the pizza place yesterday?"

Blake chuks his water bottle at Ash which hits his chest,"You wouldn't Ash."

Ash laughs loudly and says,"There was this group of girls at the cash counter and our dear Blake wanted to talk to them. To bad he literally face planted on the counter."

Everyone laughs loudly including me. We know Blake is clumsy but the embarrassment after the accident is so much worse. Blake huffs at first and then his eyes lit up.

He smirks and says,"You know what else happened yesterday. Ash was all-."

Ash shoves his sandwich in Blake's mouth leaning across the table. Blake starts coughing due to the excess of food in his mouth. I look at Ash and see him shaking his head at Blake.

"Blake what? spill the tea!" Amaya whines.

Blake finishes the food inside his mouth and says,"I'll spill it when the time comes."

Amaya just rolls her eyes and continues eating. The topic of discussion shifts to something else but my mind is still on the words spoken by Blake. What did he wanted to say about Ash? Was he trying to impress a girl too? Even if he was why should I care.

After a while, the bell rings and everyone starts going to their next classes. Ash, Blake, Wes and I start walking towards the literature class. Blake and Wes are walking ahead while Ash and I are a few steps behind them.

The Cure To My Pain ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora