29. never losing me

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"What? How can I not be real?" Ash asks  laughing slightly.

I get up hastily,"Ash! How did you come inside? Did you break in?"

"Whoa, what do you think of me? Paulina let me in, she is downstairs," he says giving a amused smile.

I frown and look at the clock. It reads 5:30, Lina must be home.

Ash holds my cheek, making me look at him,"Why didn't you give me a simple text that you were sick. I was so worried when you didn't text me back or call me. I rushed here as soon as school got over."

"I'm sorry. It didn't cross my mind and I forgot to check my phone." I reply gloomingly.

He smiles,"It's alright. Now that I know you're okay, it doesn't matter. But please from next time just text me, I get too anxious."

He leans in to kiss me but I pull back,"I'm sick, remember?" actually it's just my nasty breath,"I'll just be back, wait here."

He pouts but complies and settles on the bed. I run towards the bathroom and quickly do my business. I brush my teeth to get rid of my weird breath. I am wearing a white tee, which I had since I was fourteen and black sweats. My hair is a chaos, so I tie them in a bun. I take a look at me one last time and step towards my room.

I should be worried about Ash being here but I'm not. I know there's a huge risk of him running into Percy or someone else and find out the truth. But I don't care about anything, I missed him and I'm really happy to see him after what happened yesterday. I'm sure Lina wouldn't have let him come inside if there was a threat.

I step into the room and see Ash sprawled across my bed, scrolling through his phone,"Can I wear it?" I ask gesturing to the hoodie he has removed and kept beside him.

He looks up and shrugs,"Of course, you don't have to ask."

I smile and pick it up from the bed. I pull it on and say,"So.... do you have time to stay here for a while?"

He smirks,"What do you think I'm here for?"

I chuckle and pull out Lina's laptop from her drawer,"So, we watch a movie or what?"

He scoots towards the wall and I plop down beside him,"Yeah sure, although I've already planned something for tommorow."

I frown and ask,"What?"

He bites his lip nervously,"You missed the movie yesterday so.......... I decided to have a movie night at my house tommorow, with everyone. But if you don't feel well, we can cancel."

"No, no...... I'll be there. Thank you for being this thoughtfull," I say gratefully.

He grins and wraps his hand around my shoulder. I flinch as his hand touches my skin, yesterday's incident flashing before me,"What's wrong?"

I chew on my lip and mumble,"Nothing."

We settle on a horror movie, he said it is one of his favourites. My attention isn't at the movie though, my mind is constantly drifting to yesterday. I snuggle into Ash's chest, his grip getting tighter around me. I sigh and try to forget all the negative thoughts.

Focus on the present. Focus on being safe in Ash's arms. Focus on how much joy he gives you. Focus on how much he cares for you.

"Are you scared?" Ash whispers against my head teasingly.

I shake my head and continue looking at the screen. He sighs and stops the movie. I pull away and look at him. He faces me and speaks,"Tell me what's wrong. You seem distracted."

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