Chapter 7

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Almost out of nowhere, I collapse from excruciating pain.

It wasn't until after the fact, that I realize what happened.
We were ambushed.

No more than seven wolves practically fell from the sky, (or trees) and wasted no time before going in on the three of us.

Knox immediately went into his badass alpha mode. He lunged at the wolf that was on me, and tore him off. He shredded apart my attacker, ripping off not one, but two of the wolves legs.

Every bit of energy I had within myself practically vanished, and all I could do was collapse upon the base of a large maple tree that was coated in its sticky sap.

As my vision started to fade, I watched the blurry fight when a loud howl echoed in my ears as I lost consciousness.


I awake, laying on a cloud.

No, a bed. A very soft bed made up with white sheets and white blankets and pillows.

Looking around to take in my surroundings, I'm in what appears to be a bedroom. But with the strong scent surrounding me, the scent of Knox leads me to believe this is his room.

I see Knox sitting slumped in a chair beside the bed, sound asleep with his face resting in one of his hands.
Trying to sit up, I wince at the rush of pain radiating through my body.

Knox shoots his head up and instead of the badass alpha, all I see in him was worry and caution. "Where does it hurt? Baby, what's in pain?" He pleaded for me to answer.

I groaned, not from annoyance, but from the pain. "Everywhere" I whisper from a surprising loss of voice. I then burst into tears, my chest rising  up and down with every heavy pant, only making it hurt more.

Knox began to tremble, but not with fear.
His fists are balled to his side.
His jaw clenched roughly, so much so that I fear he may break his teeth from the pressure and they may shatter like porcelain.
His eyes cloud over, meaning his is more than likely mind linking someone within his pack.

Almost within seconds, Lenny came rushing in. As soon as she meets my eye, she looks over to her brother before taking the seat where he was once asleep.
"How is she?"  She whispered to Knox.

"I'm going to kill everyone on patrol." With that, he stormed out and slams the door, causing me to jump.

Once her eyes meet mine again, she breaks down crying. "I-I'm so so sorry Rosette, they had no scent and blended within the trees, we had no clue!" Her head falls into her hands as tears pour from her eyes and down her hands and wrists that are smooshed against her cheeks.

"Lenny," I start, causing her to look up at me as she tries to calm herself through her tears and sniffles, "I don't blame you guys, I couldn't smell them either" I say with a hoarse voice.

Lenny grabs onto my hand and holds it in hers, "Knox is beating himself to death over this, he hasn't been himself. He blames himself, he refuses to leave your side unless it has something to do with the rogues that attacked us. Which, is where he is now."

We stayed silent for a moment, "I don't blame him though." I start sitting up slightly, biting the inside of my cheek from the pain, "I want to speak with him."

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