Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Promise POV

Trey and I sat on the couch and watched Love and Hip Hop.

His ass was all up in the show, while a few episodes ago he was talking a whole lot of crap.

"Daaamn. Ray J a real ass nigga" Trey said

"Yeah right, he a bitch ass nigga". I said as I got up and walked to the fridge.

I pulled out the red velvet cupcakes we had in the fridge.

"You'll learn some day sis" he said

I rolled my eyes as I stuffed a small cupcake in my mouth.

My phone buzzed from the kitchen counter and I picked up and answered.

"Hello?" I answered as I sat my phone between my cheek and my shoulder.

"Hey sweetie" My dad responded.

"Hey daddy, what's up?" I asked. It was sort of shocking that my dad called me at this time. When he's at work his head is always in the game.

"Imma need you and Trey to tidy up the house. We're having guests coming over tonight" he said.

"Oh.. who?" I asked.

"You'll see. I'll talk to you later baby girl, call me if you need anything" he said.

"Alright. Love you" I said.

"Love you too" he said.

I hung up the phone then sat my phone on the counter then went into the supply closet and grabbed a broom and some towels.

"Get up Trey, dad said we need to clean the place" I said.

"I don't think y'all realize that, that word is not in my vocabulary" he said putting his feet up on the coffee table.

I threw a towel at him

"Boy get your ass up, we having company tonight" I said grabbing the pine sol from the counter.

He grunted as he got up.

I grabbed my phone from the counter and I was getting a call from Honest.

"Hey sis" I answered

"Hey baby boo, what you doing?" She asked as I heard her munching on some chips through the other line.

"Ugh nothing , cleaning up the place. Apparently we're having company coming over tonight" I said.

"Oh I know" she said

"How'd you know?" I asked.

I then heard a little boy voice calling Honest's name.

"Ugh hold on Xavier.. Sis I'll talk to you later" She said then hung up. 

I texted Diamond so she could close up the diner tonight.

"Do you know if that the company is going to be a cute college girl?" Trey asked as he came into the kitchen.

"Get your life together Trey" I said making him laugh.

Keshawn POV

As I was cleaning up the tables in the diner, the phone from the main room rang.

I went into the room then grabbed the phone.

"Mama Jones diner, how may we help you" I said answering the phone.

Promise got me saying all that extra stuff when I answer the phone. She got mad at me last time for saying "what you want?" when I answered the phone to a customer.

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