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I sat up against the bed, watching her slide her jeans back over her curves then button up her top. I could easily cancel my meetings today and keep her here, see what else her mouth could do. Fuck, show her what else my mouth could do.

"Coffee?" I called over to her and she straightened up, flashing me a smile.

"I only drink tea, but I need to get going." She grabbed up her purse, immediately heading out towards the front room.

You could have fucking waited for me but that's cool. I hopped up, following her out to the door. "I'll be home at seven, meet me back here."

She reached for the door knob, turning back with a shrug. "I can't. I'm busy."

Busy? "Come by after." I'd be here all night and I was a huge fan of booty calls.

"I can't," she shrugged, as if it was no big deal to blow me off. "I already have plans, but I'll see you on New Year's."

What! That was a few days away. "What about tomorrow?"

"I have plans, sorry."

Was she really fucking blowing me off. Not even a hint of fucking disappointment in her voice, just looking at me like it was no big deal. When Luca called, you came- those were the fucking rules.

"Who the fuck do you have plans with!" She just saw her friends! And who the fuck was more important than me.

"Luca, I'm flattered that you want to see me again but I'm busy. I'll see you on New Year's Eve."

"Flattered?" Oh she was something else. I was doing her a favor by seeing her. This was fucking ridiculous. "Fuck... I don't..."

"Luca!" She stepped away from the door, reaching her fingers up to my chin, grazing over my beard. "I had a wonderful night and I'll see you in a few days."

She didn't make the fucking rules here. I was not at her disposal. Who the fuck did she think I was and who the fuck did she have plans with.

She stepped back to the door, pulling it open as she smiled back at me, happy to be walking out the door.

"Whatever!" I charged back to my room, slamming the door behind me then hearing the front door slam shut.

I didn't need to see her anyway, I was doing her a favor, it was a courtesy to her. She had plans... that was fucking great. Shit, I had plans too. It didn't even fucking bother me, I would just find someone else who didn't have plans. I didn't care. I didn't give a shit.

I walked straight into the bathroom, smacking the shower handle on. I reeked of fucking coconut from the shit she had in her hair and my hand smelled like... I took another whiff... figa... well that I wouldn't mind keeping around a little longer.

I stepped into the shower, immediately picturing my fingers still inside her, grasping my dick just as I had early, jerking it fast as the water poured over me and I closed my eyes, seeing her sexy smile as I shot off. Fuck.

I grabbed a towel, shaking it over me just as my phone started buzzing on the table.

There she was! Probably wasn't even out of the building yet. Oh Luca, of course I'm coming over tonight, I was just fucking with you, I obviously cancelled my plans, I can't wait to have your mouth under me again.

I rushed over, throwing the phone up to my ear. "Thought so!"
"What the FUCK is wrong with you!"
Shit. Gav. "I'm guessing you got the Christmas card," I laughed. "Season's greetings."
"You think this is fucking funny? Did you send this to all of our clients? This is a fucking dick move, even for you Luca."
"You're wearing a tie fratellino." Technically he was in a suit and tie. "It's funny."
"I represent million dollar clients Luca! You made me look like a fucking joke."
"No, Sadie made you look..."
"Don't even fucking go there."
"Relax Gav."
"Don't do shit like this again- it looks bad on the company."
"Jesus Gav, calm down. You looked fine, even my girl said you looked good."
".... your girl?"
Huh. Fuck. "No, the girl, a girl, just some chick I had in my bed last night."
"Obviously, cause no chick could stand to stay around you longer than a fucking night."

Stronzo. I hung up, tossing the phone to the bed before walking into my closet. What the hell did he know.

I grabbed my suit, sliding the shirt on as I sniffed my arms. That coconut smell was gone, good! But it wasn't a bad smell, it reminded me of St. Barth's.

I walked over to the bed, picking up the pillow she'd slept on and pressing it to my nose, catching the reflection of my smiling face in the bathroom mirror.

Jesus! I threw the pillow to the bed. What the hell was wrong with me.

I grabbed my coat and flew out the front door, racing right down to my awaiting town car.

"Morning Anne." I hurried past her, rushing right into my office. I had two minutes before the Hampton meeting started.

"Good morning Luca." Anne was in the doorway holding a stack of papers that I didn't have time to fucking deal with right now.

"Not now!" I started waving her away. "Actually wait!"

She turned back around as I sank into my chair. "Can you do me a favor? Can you run down to the market and get me some tea."

"Tea? For you?"

"Yeah, I need some tea for my place. Buy whatever they have."

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