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I slid the pan into the oven then turned back to the counter, grabbing up the knife to start dicing but feeling her eyes on me.

"Yes?" I turned back, seeing her standing against the stove, eying me as if we hadn't just had an hours long fuck fest.

"You look good." Her ass was still horny, dammit she was gonna give me another fucking heart attack. "...You look'd good cooking in a suit too but I think I prefer the briefs."

Her eyes were on my package, not that I blamed her. "Oh yeah."

"When do you workout?"

Jesus Christ, how had she not had her fill. I laughed under my breath as I looked down at my bare chest, flexing for show. "Lunch, after work. Been going to the same gym near my office for almost twenty years."

"You're sexy..." Her eyes were all over my fucking body. She was acting like this shit was new to her, these muscles were a surprise. I guess we needed to fuck more with the lights on.

"It's about damn time you realized that."

"About time?" She gave me that sexy smile as she stepped towards me, fuck she looked hungry and I instinctively took a step back. "I've always thought you were hot Luca."

Maybe she needed a few reminders. "You denied me at the bar when I met you."

"That had nothing to do with how you looked," she laughed. "I knew you were an ass right away."

"Very funny."

"You know how good you look. I don't think there's a woman or a man in New York who wouldn't find you attractive."

"Why are you limiting it to New York," I laughed down to her. "I get plenty of pus..."

"Nope!" She threw her hand up, shaking her head no. "Exclusive includes not bragging to me about all the pussy you get. Not sure how exclusive worked with your last girls, but I prefer not to hear about all your previous conquests."

"Last girls?" What the hell was she talking about. "I told you this was new."

She drug her eyes away from my arms and focused them up on my face. "Wait... I thought you meant I was new, this thing between the two of us was new. You.. wait... am I the first girl you've been exclusive with?"

Did I not tell her that exactly. "Yeah."

"Ever?" She pressed in closer to me, raising her dirty little fingers to my chest, clawing her nails down.

"You trying to get me back in that bedroom?"

"No... I'm good with kitchen."

Jesus, I could barely fucking stand and I wasn't the one being pounded all over this fucking house. "You're not tired after the last few hours?"

"I took some aspirin."

"After." I saw the steam behind her and finally focused, seeing the fucking flames engulfing her pan. "You're burning."

"That I am.."

"No, your shit's literally burning!" I turned her horny ass around to see the stove.

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