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I heard the knock and was conveniently standing right next to the door so I swung it open, feeling an immediate rush as soon as I saw her smile.

She looked good, she always looked good but tonight she looked damn good. I followed her smile down to the tight dress and... plate of... actual fucking dessert.

"Come in." I stepped back, letting her pass me before closing the door behind us. "What's that."

"Puff-Puff," she smiled, handing me the plate. "I told you I was bringing dessert."

That wasn't what I had in mind. "We have a very different definition of dessert..."

"Something sweet you can sink your teeth into." She flashed me that sexy smile as she picked up one of the sweets from the plate, pushing it to my mouth.

"That is my exact definition." I stepped in closer, running my fingers down her neck. "I was just hoping to sink my teeth into something sweeter."

"I have an hour or so." She teased, walking away from my touch.

"An hour?" No. That didn't work for me. "It's late, stay the night."

"I can't," she shrugged back like it didn't fucking bother her one bit. "It's back to reality, holiday's are over."

"Then come by tomorrow night." I still had her scent in my bed, I could make do for a night."

"I have plans."

There she went again, blowing me off like it was no fucking big deal. What plans were more important than being in my bed.

"... but maybe Wednesday?"

"Wednesday!" Fuck, how considerate of her to try and fit me into her schedule. Me! Did she not sleep better next to me! Did she not enjoy having breakfast with me! Did she not inhale me the same way I fucking inhaled her when she was in my arms. Wednesday...

"Must be nice to come home to this," she smiled, tapping my arm before walking towards the glass doors. "After a hard day you can just stand out there, let that incredible view melt away the stress."

I walked to the couch, sinking down as I eyed the twins' photo. "I look at a different view when I've had a shit day."

I waved to the two frames on the table and she walked back, eying the photos then flashing her eyes back to me.

"Your niece and nephew and... your parents?"

"Yup." They were the only ones who could keep my head straight when I got pissed off, like how I was feeling now.

I grabbed the picture of the twins, they were just babies in this photo and now they were running around calling me zio Lewcha.

"You ever think about having your own kids?" She sighed and I sat the frame back down, meeting her eyes as I shook my head no.

"They are my kids." And they had my whole fucking heart. "I'm not wired to be a papà, those genes skipped me."

I was too fucked up to be a papà, had done too much shit and didn't have the heart that Gav and Stefano had. I would disappoint any kid.

I looked up, watching Crystal walk away, sliding the balcony doors open and stepping out into the freezing night.

"It's too cold!" I yelled, but she didn't turn back.

"It's refreshing," she called back.

Fuck. I stood up and followed her out, wrapping my arms over her back.

"You can see everything up here," she smiled over her shoulder. "You can hear the bustle, smell the trees, feel the wind. It's incredible."

I pushed my face into her neck, seeing my breath fogging around her and I ran my hands down the back of her dress. "You can experience lots of things up here."

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