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I shook off my jacket, handing it to the kid at the coat check as I scanned the bar before pushing my way through the crowd. I tossed my hand up to the bartender, pointing towards the bottles.

This place was a fucking meat market, just a sea of greedy fucking eyes and I turned back, grabbing the beer off the counter and catching a glimpse of her with her girls at a corner table.

She had her back towards me and I closed in on her, lowering my hand to her shoulder and she jumped, whipping her head around as she squealed. "Luca...god...what are you doing here?"

"Meeting a friend." I smiled to her girls, nudging her up out of her chair so I could slide in under her, pulling her right back down onto my lap. "I'm meeting Eric," I lied.

"And where is he?"

"Meeting me later, but, I just so happened to be in the neighborhood."

"In the neighborhood," she laughed. "You live next door."

"Yup and I spent all day fantasizing about this ass and now it's in my lap."

"Luca!" She snapped her face back, meeting my eyes, giving me a fucking look.

"Want me to get you a drink?"

"I'm not drinking."

"It'll make tonight that much better." I tightened my arm around her waist, letting my hand fall right into the crevice between her tight fucking thighs.

"Tonight? You mean when I go home to my bed, to sleep," she teased, making a point to her girls and I lowered my mouth to her neck, kissing it softly until she twisted her face back up to meet mine.

"You should rethink which bed you're going back to. Mine has an impressive view."

"Yes, I know, and I'm still recovering from that view."

"So." One of the girls belted out and Crystal whipped her face back around. "Nia was just telling us about a guy she met!"

Oh god. I rolled my head back, willing my semi to chill before looking across the table to her girls, focusing on Nia. "Is he Italian?"

"I don't think so," she shrugged back.

You don't think... you'd know if he was fucking Italian. "Then he's not worth talking about. Next..."

She all the sudden looked put out. "But he's a nice guy."

Why did they always want a nice one. "I know the type and I'm the one his wife sneaks off to because nice makes you smile but it doesn't make you fucking scream."

Crystal lunged forward in my lap, choking on her drink, throwing her hands over her face and I saw the marks from last night lining her wrists.

"Nice guys....."

"Luca!" Crystal coughed and I grabbed her hand twisting it towards her friends.

"... nice guys don't tie you up and bend you over, fu..."

"Luca!" Crystal's face whipped back, mouthing 'stop' before turning back to her girls.

"Change of subject!" She snapped, grabbing up her drink once more. "I made an appointment to get my license."

"License? For what?" Thought she was already a fucking lawyer.

"Driving, obviously."

Driving! A car! "Absolutely fucking not." I dropped my beer to the table, twisting her hips so she faced me.

She was smiling, totally fucking serious about this. "It was fun and exciting, riding around was so freeing."

"I'm fun and exciting- ride me instead." Jesus, this woman had no business behind a wheel, especially not in New York... where accidents happened every day. "You can't drive worth shit and I... I don't want you driving without me."

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