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"What..." fuck, I could barely see straight. "What... are... Crystal?"

"You text me, well your brother did." She flipped her phone towards me. "Said he was sending you home and to not answer any of your calls until tomorrow."

I patted my jacket, my pants, searching for my phone but he took it. Fucking Stefano.

She stood up, stepping her way towards me. "So what, you give me a good weekend and then you're done with me? You're fucking over it just like that?"

Me!? I was over it... me? "Thought you were busy tonight."

"I thought you were a man who didn't give a shit." She wrapped her arm around my waist, pushing me towards the door. "I was busy Luca, but I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Oh, I'm fucking fine.. you..." I tried to steady myself on my feet, feeling my weight crashing against her.

"Lets get you inside big guy." She pushed us into the elevator then up to my door. "Key?"

"Find it." I threw my hands up, ready for a pat down. I should have been more specific, told her to find it with her fucking tongue.

She rolled her eyes, she always had to roll her damn eyes. Then she started digging her hands around, but found the key way too fucking fast.

She pushed the door open, pulling me inside and straight to the bedroom. That's right baby, time to make it up to me.

She stopped in the doorway, turning to face me. "Luca, do you really want this to be over? I don't want you threatening me with it anymore, tell me now."

I looked down into her brown eyes, suddenly realizing her hand was holding mine and I squeezed it, realizing I was about to fucking break. "You threaten who I am."

"Who are you? Or better, who is it that you think you are?"

I stared down into her eyes, searching my brain for an answer, but all I could think about was her.

".... I know that everyone falls to your feet Luca, that you don't have to wait for anything, that you always get what you want, but I can't do that. I don't think I'm what you need, you need someone that caters to you, that indulges you."

"What?" She didn't know what the fuck I needed.

"You once said your little brother acted like a spoiled brat... and I think I know where he learned that."

Spoiled brat. She had some fucking nerve. "I... what! You better watch what you fucking say to me. Nobody talks to Luca fucking Romano like that!"

"And nobody talks to Crystal Ara Mancini like that! You don't call me threatening me and telling me you don't give a fuck, when you obviously do."

I grabbed her, throwing her up against me, crashing my lips to her pissed off mouth. Desperately kissing every fucking inch of her mouth, her cheeks, her chin, her nose. I fell back against the bed, holding her against me, smashing my lips back to hers, sucking her tongue into my mouth. "I want more. I don't want you to fucking leave, ever. I want to know you're mine, that you want me just as much as I fucking want you! That you're not running away after spending time with me, that you're not going to run away period! That when I tell you to come over you don't fucking laugh in my face saying that you just saw me, like I'm some fucking annoyance. I want more. I need more."

Her hands were hasty, ripping my shirt off, tearing it away with my jacket, tearing hers over her head.

I flipped her over, pinning her to the mattress, fumbling with her jeans and those fucking curves, yanking them with one hand because my other was too fucking impatient and couldn't stay away from her pussy. "I missed you and I know I just fucking saw you and it feels so shitty that you don't fucking miss me too. I don't get attached to shit- and this is why."

"I missed you too Luca." She arched up, I dove my mouth to hers, biting and fucking owning those lips, her tongue, not giving a damn if I bruised her from the force.

I kicked my pants off, biting the chintzy thong right off her hips then kissing what was mine, her thighs, her figa- all fucking mine. "I want to fuck you raw baby." I needed to feel her, shit I wanted her to feel me. I wanted to shoot off so fucking deep that she couldn't get me out- stain her entire fucking pussy with my name.

"No..." she huffed.

"I can pull out if you're not on the pill."

"No!" She threw her hand over to the table, smacking around for a condom.

"Let me repeat myself... I'm gonna fuck you, raw." I pushed in deeper but she grabbed my arm.

"No!" She snapped. "Get tested and then you can."

"Tested?!" What the fuck. Please tell me I was fucking hallucinating and my chick wasn't fucking denying me, then telling me to get tested.

"Luca, you've slept with half of New York- you're constantly bragging about it."

And. "I always wear a fucking condom."

"Luca.." She grumbled, pushing me away.

"... a good seven out of ten times. Six out of ten at least."

"Non-negotiable." She pushed herself up as I sat back.

She had some real fucking nerve always denying me like this. It wasn't a big fucking deal, the other chicks didn't even think twice. Fuck, they were more than willing, probably hoping they'd get lucky and end up with checks for the next eighteen fucking years.

Fuck it, I was an inch away- I could just slam right up into her. She had already swallowed me, what did this fucking matter?

"Are you seriously going to throw another fit because I'm asking your grown ass to man up and take a test?"

Hell yeah I was. "No." I felt the tightness in my chest and the coughing came next, my heart beating too fast. I was too trashed, too pissed, and too fucking worked up.

"Luca? Are you okay?" She leaned into me, dropping her hand to my shoulder but I twisted out of her grip. "Let me get you some water." She stood up and I fell back against the sheets, staring up at the fucking ceiling, feeling my heart relax, beating normally again.

Then the ceiling started swirling, falling, closing in on me, everything fading away.

I pulled my face out of the pillow, pushing up, lifting my chest from the sheets and twisting my head over, finding an empty bed. She was gone. Of course she was fucking gone. I grabbed her pillow, smashing it over my face, inhaling the coconut that was ten times stronger than it was the other night. Wait... I dropped it back down, rolling myself up and smelling... coffee. Fuck, I jumped out of the bed, tripping over the shit on the floor before stumbling out the door. "Crystal?"

"Morning Tin Man." She smiled over, waving her hand towards the table. "Coffee and omelet are on the table."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You needed your beauty sleep," she laughed as she walked over, raising her hand to my wild hair. "And it paid off, you look very sexy in the morning."

"You don't need to stroke my ego."

"Oh, but you like to be stroked and I like stroking you."

Fuck. "Stay." I threw my arms around her, pulling her into me. "Let me make it up to you."

"I've got to go but I'll see you tomorrow night." She lifted up, giving me a quick, pathetic kiss. "And if you call to bitch about me being busy then I'm going to put you on speaker so everyone can hear."

God, I was such a fucking jackass sometimes. "Fuck, I'm cool. I'll see you tomorrow."

She walked to the door, grabbing the handle before turning back to me. "Last night you said you didn't want me to run away... is that what the handcuffs are for?"

She was playing in my drawers again. "What? To lock you in my room?" I laughed and she gave me that horny ass smile. "Don't give me any fucking ideas."

She swung the door open, giving me one final wave as she walked away, yelling over her shoulder. "I don't think I'd mind being cuffed."

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