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I slept like shit, but nothing a good cup of coffee couldn't handle. But not just any fucking coffee, no- none of the local places would do. Only the best for the king of fucking New York and it had nothing to do with trying to see Crystal, it was strictly about the coffee.

If I ran into her this morning then it would just be sheer fucking coincidence. I had to be at work early today, which so happened to put me there at the same time she usually got there. But it was about the coffee. Nothing more, nothing less.

I walked to the door then turned back, heading to the bathroom to check the mirror one last time. They might call Gav an adonis but he had nothing on me.

I hit the street walking on fucking air. I woke up cold this morning but I warm as hell now. Two more days till Wednesday and I'd never been so fucking excited for a hump day.

I passed the coffee shop on the corner, I didn't trust the barista in there. Nor the one at the next corner. Had nothing to do with Crystal, I wasn't that guy.

I saw the shop in the distance, feeling the fucking jitters as I got closer. Guess I really needed that coffee.

I grabbed the doors, yanking them open with full force as I plowed in, immediately seeing her at the far back table, smiling.... at another fucking guy.

What the fuck!

Maybe it was a chick who looked like a dude, because I know she wouldn't have blown me off for another asshole. No, it was a man. Another fucking man!

I dropped the door, tripping over my damn feet as I retreated, getting the fuck out of there before she saw me and I looked back through the window, watching her laugh, giving him the same fucking smile she gave me.

She blew me off to sit in there with another fucking guy. Another asshole she could play games with.

I felt a pang, I was being gutted, some foreign feeling weakening me and I looked back, seeing her hand reaching to his shoulder.

What? Was she done with me?

The weakness was gone, replaced by fucking rage, a fire bursting from my skin, lighting me up.

Well fuck her. I was done with her first.

I stormed to the curb, pushing some dick out of my way and hopping into his taxi. "Nassau and Pine."

I hated pain, and everything fucking hurt right now. This is why I didn't let chicks stay over, this is why I didn't do two-night stands. This is why I didn't trust any bitch in New York!

I chucked some cash at the driver, slamming the door before storming up to my office. Another fucking guy. I wasn't good enough. She thought she could find better than Luca Romano. Ha! She was nothing!

"Good morning Luca, your nine o'clock meeting is with the Jameson team. I put your..."

"Leave Anne!" I flung my hand towards the exit as I charged into my office.


"Go. Home. Anne! I'm in a shitty fucking mood and it's best if you leave, NOW!" I didn't want to have to get yet another damn assistant.

"But I.."

"Just get the fuck out! Who argues about getting a paid day off! Go!"

She closed the door behind her and I slammed my bag against the wall, hearing the crunch of my laptop as it dropped to the floor.

Why was I so fucking messed up right now! There were a million fucking bitches in New York. Fuck!

I yanked my phone out of my pocket, texting the crew to meet up tonight. The only game I was gonna play now was the numbers game, see how many chicks I could fuck before morning. Surely one of them would smell like fucking coconut, surely one of them could replace her! She was nothing special.

There was a rap at my door and I rolled my head back. Why couldn't Anne ever just take a fucking hint!

She pushed it open as I started towards her and she held out her hand.

"I got this honey jar for your place too, people sometimes put honey in their tea."

You had to be fucking kidding me right now. I grabbed the honey, chucking it at the glass, then grabbing the door as Anne backed out and this time I fucking locked it after it slammed.

I couldn't work like this. I didn't know how to handle myself right now. I needed a drink, a line, a hit, something to knock my ass out.

I grabbed my bag and the broken laptop that was still sitting inside it, then felt my phone buzzing. Maybe it was her, wanting to explain why the fuck she had blown me off.


"What the hell is wrong with you! I just got off the phone with Tim Jameson, he said you were an asshole in the meeting today!"

I wanted her voice, not Gav's. "And..."

"And! And! Jameson's a big fucking account Luca! What's your problem. I had to fucking handle it and now I have to take him over."

"That's a little dramatic fratellino."

"He threatened to leave if I didn't take on the account."


"And? I swear to god sometimes Luca."

"I don't have time for this fratellino, it's almost five o'clock and there's a bottle waiting for me."

"You're drinking?"

I hung up. Gav had no room to bitch. That little shit had everything.

I stormed back out of the building, not even remembering what the fuck I'd done today.

This wasn't me. This mess of a man wasn't me. I needed to man up, Luca Romano didn't give two shits about her, she was nothing special, a dime a fucking dozen.

"The bar on 5th and 66th!" I shouted to the driver as I climbed into the taxi.

I was used to handling anger, not this, not this... disappointment, whatever the fuck this feeling was.

I pulled my phone back out, rounding up the old crew, bar then my place, now. I had one goal tonight, getting fucking obliterated.

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