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I held the door, watching her tipsy ass traipse past me as she shrugged off her coat.

"It's freezing!" She dropped onto the couch, balling herself up and I tossed my jacket to the chair on my way towards the fireplace.

I switched on the gas then sank down next to her, watching the flames come to life.

"That's better." She shivered and I pulled her legs up over my lap, sliding off her heels and rubbing her feet.

"You're charming you know."

I looked over, meeting her glassy eyed smile. "I do know."

She rolled her eyes and I knew I was smiling, tonight had been a really good fucking night.

"And you're cute too."

And now I wasn't smiling. "I can flip you right over my fucking knee, spank some sense into that ass."

Her eyes shot up, she was actually fucking debating about that spank but then that teasing smile curled up her face. "I'm sorry, it is what it is, you're textbook definition," she laughed. "Your smile, those dimples hiding under your stubble, your charm, wit. Cute."

I think she needed a reminder of what I actually was and what I was fucking packing. I loosened my collar then started unhooking the buttons on my shirt, sliding it off, flexing my arms discreetly.

"I never said you weren't sexy too." She leaned forward, running her hands over my bicep and stopping at the ink.

"I never noticed the letters inside your cross. E, V, N, V... what does that mean?"

I rubbed over the tat, seeing the faces it represented. "Who the four chambers of my heart beat for."

"I thought you said you were heartless."

"I was."

She leaned in closer, pushing herself onto my lap. "Tell me a secret, one that no one else knows."

I had many, most that would make her run for the door and the others were exactly that, a secret and needed to stay that way.

I rubbed over the tat again, watching her, but seeing their faces. "I told everyone that I took Gav in for the money, for the trust, for the power over the company.... but I refused payment from the state and I never touched his trust. I bought our old apartment with my own money and put it in a secondary trust with his name on it, in case something ever happened to me. I... I felt like it was my fault that he had been orphaned, only I couldn't face that guilt once he was with me. He was so messed up, sad, lost - exactly how I felt except I had a mountain of guilt fucking weighing over me every day and every time I looked at him, I saw them."

I met her eyes, seeing the fire glow reflecting off them, realizing they weren't black, but a deep brown, specked with gold and they were fucking beautiful.

"Luca..." she reached for my chin, sliding her fingers up my cheek as her lips started for mine. "You're a good man."

I wrapped my arms over her, lifting her down to the floor, stopping just shy of the flames and she raised her hand to the side of her dress, pulling the zipper slowly until I took over, tearing the red lace away.

She immediately rolled her back down to the floor, smiling up at me as her hands gripped my arms, urging me towards her.

But I held my ground for a minute. I just wanted to look at her, stare at the legs stretched past me, the tiny red lace covering the most delicious fucking pussy I'd ever had, and the pair of tits just waiting for my mouth.

But none of that compared to her face, those eyes that saw right through me, that sexy mouth and the attitude that came out of it.

I grabbed the condom from my pocket as I slid my pants off, inching over her, grazing her legs, her stomach, her neck with my lips.

Then she grabbed the condom from my hand, her fingers teasing me as they rolled it down, caging my cock and I pressed against her, one hand on her face, one sliding down her stomach, under the lace and into her figa, warming her up, clit to deep inside and back again.

Her hand slid down to mine, pulling my fingers from her pussy and straight up to her lips, kissing each one of them.

Fuck! I could feel the fucking rush, the impatient urge to fuck the shit out of her but I had to be gentle this time. I couldn't get lost in another fuck fantasy and mark her sensitive skin again.

I pressed against her hips, rocking between her thighs, fighting every fucking urge I had to ram into her.

She arched forward, lifting her mouth to mine, giving me the softest damn kiss and I grabbed her face, cupping her cheeks, smashing my lips to hers as my tongue and my cock slid their way in.

Her hungry tongue wanted more and I fed her with force, rocking my body over hers, fucking her with the same intensity as our kiss.

I wanted to taste her tits, to watch her body writhing under me, succumbing to me, but it wasn't worth breaking this kiss, losing her tongue that was wrapped up in mine.

"Luca.." she was whining, grinding her hips faster as her chest started heaving, arching against mine.

"Say it again." I'd heard my name called out thousands of times but it sounded different now. "Again!"


"Fuck!" I slammed faster, sliding my hands into hers, grabbing up her fingers as I plowed in deeper.

"Luca!" Her screams lit my fuse and I shot off, filling the condom as I squeezed her hands just as tightly as she was squeezing mine.

Fuck. I steadied myself over her, panting like a fucking dog as the sweat pooled between us.

"I'm sorry." I met her eyes, watching her face come to and her breathing slow.

"Why? I came.."

"Oh I know," I smiled down to her. "I'm sorry for telling you you weren't special."

I rolled off of her and she wrapped herself right over me, one arm over my chest while the other ran through my hair.

I closed my eyes, feeling the fire on one side, her warmth on the other, and those fingers knocking me the fuck out.


"Mmhm..." I was gone, eyes were too heavy, I was falling deeper and deeper, her fingers working their fucking magic.

"...I need to tell you something...."

"To... tom... tomorrow."

"I think I've waited too long already..."

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